In a healthy body healthy mind
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The general concept of health includes two important aspects, which are represented by the physical and spiritual components. Despite the fundamental difference between these concepts, they have close relationships. It is noteworthy that the first conditions the second.
Spiritual health
Human development from infancy to old age implies a close relationship with society. And this is the main reason why a person cannot fully exist in isolation. It is not for nothing that in ancient times the most terrible punishment for community members who escaped the hands was expulsion outside the agglomeration. Nowadays, too, little has changed. From birth, people are raised on the basis of generally accepted philosophical knowledge about good, evil and justice.
At all stages of human development, enlightened minds were concerned with questions of existence. That’s what they are called from a scientific point of view. With a projection onto simpler truths of life, these are possibilities:
- Selection of options for self-realization;
- Finding your purpose;
- Focusing on specific achievements.
It is noteworthy that today’s developed communication system allows us to approach the search for the meaning of life more productively. After all, there is no need to waste time on explaining certain phenomena that in ancient times were prescribed to the will of the “gods.” Nowadays science is able to sort out almost any physical and biological process. Therefore, people are able to focus on more everyday issues, gradually creating their future.
Psychologists are of the opinion that understanding one’s goals, their gradual implementation and self-satisfaction are the main components of spiritual health. Such a person has no reason to be unhappy and bring disappointment to other people. On the contrary, a person who is happy in his reality strives for the well-being of all the people around him. There is no place in his soul for anger, revenge and envy.
Physical health
Full physical development is impossible without spiritual prerequisites. It is these simple truths that explain people’s desire to achieve heights in sports. And you need to start small - hard training and proper nutrition. Here you will be able to study in detail approaches to choosing food that will help strengthen the body, exhausted by training.
Regarding the order and method of physical exercise, there is a need to consult with a specialist. By the way, the perception of the experience of older comrades who are more knowledgeable and professional is also a kind of indicator of a person’s spiritual well-being. After all, only a self-sufficient person is able to correctly perceive criticism, highlighting the rational element in it.
A very important aspect of the relationship between physical and spiritual health is proper motivation. This has been demonstrated more than once by people who have gotten into trouble as a result of their injuries. These are those phenomenal cases when a person, despite the unfavorable forecasts of doctors, strives to get back on his feet and return to a full life.
Many athletes have an ironclad motivation focused on achieving great victories and sports records. It is wrong to assume that they all strive solely to realize their ambitions. Some are interested in a sports career in the future as an element of self-realization. We are talking about working as a member of the national team and the prerequisites for taking the position of a coach. Others motivate their active physical activity solely by material interest, since for them sport is work that requires remuneration for the work invested. Some people are not at all focused on achieving big sports victories, so they do it for:
- Combating various physical imperfections;
- Disease prevention;
- Pastime in a useful way.
And this shows a certain amount of motivation. After all, a person goes to the gym with very real goals - to develop a sore joint, lose extra pounds, take preventive measures to combat infectious diseases. It is noteworthy that all of these aspects are in close interaction, complementing and replacing each other.