Successful “Screen Test” by Viktor Krasovsky and Jan Saski
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YEKATERINBURG. In the XIII festival "Kinoproba" won the film, shot "in one shot."
The festival “Kinoproba” was held in early December for the 13th time. Traditionally, young filmmakers from different countries traditionally participated in his competitive program, master classes, and special projects. The main awards of “Screen Tests” went abroad. Grand Prix - to Belarus, Audience Award - to the Czech Republic.
A graduate of the Belarusian Academy of Arts, director and playwright Viktor Krasovsky received the main prize for the film “Dead Souls”. Preparation for the filming of the film, which lasted about an hour, took about 9 months. The choice of a format innovative for Belarus implied special care in working with actors, skill and endurance of operators. The continuous shooting process required Alexander Aleinikov to overcome a distance of several hundred meters. Examples of films shot in one frame are not so many. The most striking of the recent - "Russian Ark" by Alexander Sokurov. One and a half hours without stopping the camera and mounting glues. The timing of the Krasovsky film is more modest - 28 minutes. As well as scenery and casting. Instead of luxurious galleries and halls of the Winter Palace, the workshop of one of the Belarusian enterprises. Sokurov on the screen - Mikhail Piotrovsky, Sergey Dreyden, Alla Osipenko, Julian Makarov. Krasovsky has non-professionals, employees of the ArtIdea experimental enterprise, which employs people with disabilities. Amateur actors coped with their roles remarkably, thereby refuting the stereotypes prevailing in society. The Grand Prix of Kinoproba is not the first serious award of the director. Grand Prix of the Warsaw Festival of Belarusian Cinema Bulba Movie 2014, short lists of many prestigious film forums, awards, inclusion in the Short film Corner catalog in Cannes in 2015.
The Audience Award and the prize for the best educational animated film won the Happy End tape by Jan Saska from the Czech Republic - a black comedy about death. This is Sasuke’s thesis for a bachelor’s degree. The young director created it during his studies at the Prague Academy of Musical Arts (FAMU). The tape hit the short list of the Oscars-2016. The list of festival laureates includes Natalya Groffel with the ribbon “Letters of a Doll”, Pyotr Levchenko (“The Machine”), Juliet Martirosyan (“The Dove”), Natalya Savras (“Happiness is just around the corner”).
Elena Tanakova ©
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