Theaters of Vladivostok saw the most famous performance of Roman Viktyuk - "Handmaids" Automatic translate
VLADIVOSTOK. The most famous of the performances staged by Roman Viktyuk on the play “The Handmaids” by Jean Genet, the famous French avant-garde artist, was presented on February 15 to Vladivostok viewers on the stage of FESCO-Hall. When in 1988 Roman Viktyuk put his "Handmaids" in the "Satyricon", his work made a double impression on the audience.
The performance shocked the audience, but at the same time brought world fame to its creator. He instantly turned Roman Viktyuk into a symbol of a new theatrical direction, which turned the idea of drama theater upside down.
"Handmaids" will soon celebrate the thirty years that have passed since the premiere; the fourth cast of artists has already entered the stage in the performance. However, among the hundred performances staged by Roman Viktyuk, this vivid work is still the most popular.
A daring, incredibly beautiful performance, where the stage is decorated with bright scenery, and the actors’ play makes the audience watch the scene on the stage, always comes full house. Continuous movement, more tearful character intonations and amazing plastic of role performers, has a fascinating effect on the public.
The author of the play, presenting his work, said that all roles in it should be given to men. Viktyuk fulfilled the wish of Jean Genet. All female roles in his reading of “Handmaids” from the day of the premiere are played only by men.
Although the plot of the play is based on a criminal plot, the director saw in it the tragedy of the existence of the characters in the play, the collision of a dream with the realities of life. He showed this tragic story about human relationships unusually, but beautifully.
The journey of the “Handmaids” to the Far Eastern cities is not over - on February 18 the theater-goers of Blagoveshchensk will see the performance.
Ludmila Trautmane ©
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