The return of the name. Costly nightly conversations in the kitchen
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MOSCOW. At the Stalker festival, the main prize for the best documentary was received by Anna Bulgakova’s tape about the repressed actor Dmitry Konsovsky.
Viewers of the older generation and those who like to review Cinderella with Zheimo, Ranevskaya, Garin and Merkuryev will easily remember the name Konsovsky. The image of a touching, romantic, sincere prince is one of the most memorable in the 1947 movie story. But the speech in the film “The Magic Komsomolets” won on “Stalker” is not about the famous actor Alexei Konsovsky, but about his brother Dmitry. Talent, visual appeal, participation in the films of Ryzman, Pudovkin,, Piskator - Dmitry Konsovsky had every chance to become one of the most popular and interesting actors of his generation over time. The role in "Strict Young Man" - a film by Abram Roma according to the script of Yuri Olesha - was the last for him. The assassination of Kirov, committed on 01. 12. 1934, instantly launched the mechanism of repression. Dmitry was arrested the very next night - from December 2nd to 3rd on the basis of denunciations of one of the members of the film crew. His statements about the situation in the country during the kitchen gatherings were recognized as counter-revolutionary and cost him as a result of his life. The proclamation of the priority of the public over the personal, leveling of individuality was unacceptable to a young artist. 4 years later, in February 1938, Konsovsky died in the hospital of the infamous Ukhtarka 12 days before the execution. The heart could not stand it. Relatives of Dmitry unsuccessfully tried to get a review of his case. His mother, Elena Pavlovna, for many years undertook a search for her son, not believing in his death.
The film "Stern Youth" was still filmed, but with another actor. They became Vakhtangovets Dmitry Dorliak, with a biography no less dubious for the authorities. The son of a banker and maid of honor, brother of Nina Dorliak, wife of Svyatoslav Richter. He died in the same 1938, contracting typhoid fever on tour. The painting was banned for wide rental. The screenwriter of The Magic Komsomolets was Nikolai Vershinin-Konsovsky, the grandson of the unforgettable prince from Cinderella. In the course of work, he used archival materials, acquaintances with which his grandfather unsuccessfully tried to achieve. From them it becomes clear that Dmitry Konsovsky did not give up his beliefs to the very end.
Elena Tanakova ©
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