The film "Vaska" - an attempt to reach out and a chance for a normal life
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MOSCOW. “Vaska” was released on the screens - the last film from the “orphan trilogy” by Elena Pogrebizhskaya.
Elena Pogrebizhskaya’s work in the author’s documentary cinema began in 2007 with the film “I Will Get Up Anyway” about the fates of three famous women musicians, the trials they had to face and overcome them. Each subsequent film is a study of a new complex topic. Attitude to people with disabilities, the complexity of palliative medicine, which comes to the rescue of doomed people to painful extinction, about orphans and neuropsychiatric boarding schools. The relevance and high level of work of Pogrebizhskaya are confirmed by prizes and awards received at prestigious film forums in Russia and abroad. Among them: two prizes TEFI, Laurel, Stalker, prizes of festivals in the USA and Italy.
The first film of the trilogy - “Mom, I will kill you” - outlined the problems of child psychiatry, the absence in correctional boarding schools of a sufficient number of experienced psychologists capable of timely and qualified help to the child in a difficult period. The stigma of the uneducable and incapable of socialization in society takes away from thousands of children a chance for a normal, absolutely full life. But often this is not due at all to real pathologies, but to the lack of specialists, the material base and the willingness of adults to help those who are deprived of love and care from birth. With the assistance of Chulpan Khamatova, a film with a sharp and unpleasant film for the system of correctional institutions came to Olga Golodets. “Debriefing” after reviewing the tape led to a review of the diagnoses of hundreds of pupils of such establishments, a ban on the use of unacceptable methods of influence against children, and harsh measures against those responsible for the terrible, according to the Deputy Prime Minister, violations.
A continuation of this topic was the last film of Pogrebizh "Vaska". The hero of the tape is one of those who are rejected by life and have a chance to stay on its sidelines forever. A refuser with a birth injury and minor speech problems was deprived of the qualified help of a speech therapist and psychologist. After an incorrect diagnosis, he ended up in a boarding school for the uneducable. Only the intervention of an indifferent person allowed a bright, kind and not stupid guy to find his home and family, get a normal education and a worthy profession. And Elena Pogrebizhskaya could only draw the attention of the audience to an acute and very painful problem. And there are so many of them in our country that her new films are just around the corner.
Elena Tanakova ©
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