At the Vladimir Drama Theater, the premiere of the play “At the Turn of the Times”, dedicated to the work of Yevgeny Yevtushenko
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VLADIMIR. Vladimir theater-goers enthusiastically accepted the new work of director Vladimir Kuznetsov - the play “At the Crossroads of Times”, staged by him according to poems and prose by Evgeny Yevtushenko. The premiere of "poetic chronicles" - this is how the creator defined the genre of the play, took place in the Vladimir drama on November 6th.
The hall was completely filled with spectators who wanted to get in touch with the work of Yevgeny Alexandrovich. In the same way, there were no empty seats when in May last year a meeting with the master of Russian poetry took place in drama. This was his third visit to Vladimir, the first of which was unsuccessful.
At a meeting with the audience, Yevgeny Alexandrovich with humor recalled the trip of 1971. But the poet’s next visits to Vladimir in 2011 and 2014 became a real holiday for Vladimir fans of the Poet.
Performed by Yevgeny Yevtushenko, whose performances were stadiums of spectators gathered in the sixties, old and new poems were sounded, and at last year’s meeting, Yevgeny Alexandrovich read a new lyric poem, Dora Franco, inspired by memories of youth.
These meetings for Vladimir Kuznetsov served as an additional source of inspiration when creating the play “At the Crossroads of Times”. The director himself wrote the script, agreed on its content with Eugene Alexandrovich. The performance did not become an evening devoted to the works of the poet, on which his poems are voiced.
This is a full-fledged theatrical production, where there is a visual, musical and plastic solution. The audience appreciated the work of the actors and the director with loud applause in the final. It is a pity that Yevtushenko himself could not come to the premiere, but he promised to visit Vladimir at the end of the year. It is possible that Vladimir spectators will have a new meeting with the Poet in December.
Ludmila Trautmane ©
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