Kirov viewers will soon see the play based on the play by Viktor Rozov "Good morning"
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KIROV. In connection with the upcoming premiere of the play “Good morning!”, On February 24, a meeting of journalists with director Yuri Ardashev, the artistic director of the drama theater, took place. First of all, the director noted that the appeal to the dramatic comedy written by Victor Rozov is connected with the centenary of the playwright.
Ardashev said that the modern viewer is often skeptical of Rozov’s plays. Many believe that the ideals of the heroes of the plays of the playwright, who lived during the time of the famous thaw, are far from modern realities. The artists who worked on the production of the play wanted to create it in such a way that it became clear to the audience that all the main topics covered in the play remained relevant today.
The theme of love, betrayal and difficult problems of choice will always be close to any generation. Victor Rozov raises serious topics in his play, but he found a place in it for comedic situations related to everyday issues. The artists participating in the play spoke at the meeting about the difficulties in working on the production.
The text of the play is complex, it took many rehearsals to embody the characters of its heroes. In order for viewers of today’s generation to see young people living on the stage during the “thaw”, the actors had to get acquainted with the literature written by writers of those years.
Thanks to such painstaking work of the acting ensemble, the real heroes of the generation the playwright wrote about will come to life. They may seem harsh and rude, incapable of compromises, but each of them has the most important character trait - they are honest.
Spectators will present the performance on February 27th. For some, it will provide an opportunity to remember the past, and the young audience will be able to make sure that people in those years sincerely believed in a bright future.
Ludmila Trautmane ©
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