In the capital, the theater festival "Moscow Roadside"
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MOSCOW. "Theater Mansion" - a small theater room located in the basement of the old five-story building, for the fourth time gathers participants in the Moscow Roadside festival. Small non-state groups participate in the theater forum, most of which are almost unknown to the audience. It is difficult to see their work, as many groups do not have their own premises.
The festival poster presents 15 titles of performances, and 11 theater groups will show their work to the public. Among them are not only troupes from the capital, but also artists from groups that arrived from other cities. For most of them, this theater forum is the only opportunity to present their work to the audience, declaring themselves in the world of theaters.
Since the festival will last only a week - the first day of the forum was November 3, and November 9 will be closed, the program is extremely eventful. Daily, viewers will be shown two, and sometimes even three performances. Master classes will be held at which everyone who is interested in the theater is waiting for.
For the first, participants are expected on November 6th. The workshop will be conducted by Ramis Ibragimov, artistic director of the Dialog Chamber Theater, and the young composer Aleksey Akinchice will help the director. Alexander Rezalin, artist, director and teacher, will hold a master class on November 8th. For conducting master classes, a business college located on Vekovaya Street was allocated premises.
Viewers have already managed to get acquainted with the works of the “Old Theater” and “The Fourth Wall”. Performances performed by the actors of these theaters were shown on the opening day of the festival. The next day, the festival scene was handed over to the guests of the capital - the chamber theaters of Tula and Vologda. They showed their work on the works of Marquez and Dovlatov.
Ludmila Trautmane ©
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