Omsk "Fifth Theater" premiered the play "Survival Games"
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OMSK. On the stage of the Fifth Theater, the premiere of the play Survival Games took place. The name of the play, which served as the basis for the work of the Riga director Galina Polishchuk, is “Do not play with the archangels”. It was written in 1959 by the Italian playwright Darno Fo, becoming a protest of the author against the hypocrisy of the society of his contemporaries.
The playwright used the principles of comedy del arte in his work - there are funny situations in it. Sometimes they turn into moments dangerous for the hero of the play. Through witty dialogues, the author shows how important it is for a person to maintain dignity in any circumstances.
The play took place in post-war Italy, however, the director considered that the problems raised in it remained relevant today. Therefore, the characters of the play turned into our contemporaries. The scenery, musical accompaniment of the production, mobile phones and tablets remind the viewer that the world has changed only externally. In essence, he remained as absurd as half a century ago.
The main character of the play, bearing the name Veter and immediately three names - Warm, Southern, Gusty, came to work from Yugoslavia, where he was unsuccessfully wounded in battle. When he tries to apply for a disability pension, the bureaucratic machine crashes. The result is a document that the Wind is a spaniel, a dog of hunting breed. If for him there is no master, then he is threatened with sending to a kindergarten.
During the performance of the play Veter (the magnificent work of Evgeny Fomintsev) will have time to be in the role of not only a dog, but also an important minister and a terrorist. The absurd situation, with every minute, is becoming more and more like a nightmare, but the number of common ground with today is also becoming more.
Ludmila Trautmane ©
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