A pre-premiere screening of a new performance was held at the School of Modern Play
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MOSCOW. The School of Modern Play is preparing for the official premiere of the play The Last Aztec, scheduled for February 20. The performance staged by the theater’s artistic director Joseph Reichelgauz will be the opening of the season at the new stage venue - Theater Club on Tishinka, where the Schools troupe moved after a fire that damaged the building on Neglinnaya Street, where the theater was located for 25 years.
The play, based on which the play was staged, was written by Viktor Shenderovich, its original name is “The Injured Goldiner”. The plot of the play is eternal - the relationship of a man and a woman, whose life was connected by an absurd accident - a traffic accident. The scene of the performance is modern New York.
American Jane Watson in his car knocks Wolfe Goldiger, an emigrant from the former USSR. By the verdict of the court, she was forced to spend 80 hours in community service. These works turned out to be care for the victim. Spending a lot of time together, the characters in the play begin to realize that they are necessary for each other.
According to the director, if the author of the play made the main emphasis on social problems, then he was interested in the personal relations of her characters. Can the age difference affect these relationships, can they find their own happiness, or is this only possible for young people? Reichelgauz saw this play a year ago, but the author of the first production was already given to another director by the author.
There, the work dragged on, they could not pick up the cast, so Reichelgauz began rehearsing with a wonderful duet - Albert Filozov and Tatyana Vedeneeva. Fans of the theater have already managed to see the preliminary results of this work - on February 7, a pre-premiere show of the performance took place. Before the official premiere he will be shown again - February 15th.
Ludmila Trautmane © Gallerix.ru
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