Shadow performance "Parts of the body" of the project "Open Stage"
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The performance "Parts of the Body" directed by Vyacheslav Ignatov and choreographer Denis Boroditsky will be held in the design room of the ZIL Cultural Center on February 20. Shadow performance was created as part of the Open Stage project, aimed at supporting young directors who are actively engaged in the search for a new theater language.
With the support of the Open Stage project and the Government of Moscow, such famous directors as Mindaugas Karbauskis, Evgeni Kamenkovich, Yuri Kantomirov, Dmitry Krymov, Anatoly Ledukhovsky, Karen Nersesyan, Dmitry Petrun, Nikolai Roshchin, Victor Ryzhakov, Kirill Serebrennikov, Vladimir Skvortsov, Alexander Ogarev, Harold Strelkov, Boris Yukhananov, Igor Yatsko and many others.
"Parts of the body" is a shadow performance in which ethereal shadows and real people exist on equal terms. The director endowed the shadows with artistry and character, making them a full-fledged part of reality along with the actors, and the choreographer, in turn, created an original choreography for the performance, which fans of contemporary dance will appreciate.
“Take any train, be like the wind… and in your hand is an old, shabby suitcase with stories. Stories from childhood, when the trees were big and the problems were small. Stories from youth - about love, tenderness, passion and separation. Stories from the past and present. And even stories from the future. Like shadows, like phantoms of history, one by one they come out into the light, ”such words accompany this amazing plastic spectacle.
Director: Vyacheslav Ignatov
Choreographer: Denis Boroditsky
Artist: Anna Schmidt
Text: Blaise Pascal, French thinker, mathematician, physicist (1623 – 1662)
Music : Henry Torgue & Serge Houppin; Ólafur Arnalds; Alexey Aigi; Scott Joplin; Paul haslinger
Musical accompaniment: Alexey Aigi
Cast: Marina Khurolyants, Egor Maslov, Ruslan Wolfson, Maria Wolfson
Start: 19.00 Cost: 600/800/1000 p.
Age limit: 16+
Moscow State Budgetary Institution of Culture
"Open Stage"
Booking tickets: (495) 690-17-58
Phone for inquiries: (926) 527-07-26
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