Anna Netrebko participated in the premiere of the opera "Troubadour" at the Mariinsky Theater
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ST. PETERSBURG. On the recently opened stage of the Mariinsky Theater on December 27, the premiere of the opera "Troubadour" took place, which completed a series of projects dedicated to the anniversary of the famous composer - Giuseppe Verdi. For the production of Troubadour, Georgiev invited the Italian opera director Luigi Pizzi, who also became a costume designer and set designer in the play. Luigi Pizzi enjoys great authority among connoisseurs of opera.
The director once was the director of Troubadour, but he believes that with age, it became possible to more accurately show the psychological drama of the heroes of the opera, full of human passions. The technical capabilities of the new stage of the Mariinsky Theater allowed the director to use video projections in the performance, replacing the scenery on the stage takes just a few seconds.
Despite all the modern technologies used by the director in the play, the main thing in it remains Verdi’s music and talented performers of opera parts. Many spectators came to the premiere of Troubadour, not only to see a wonderful performance, but also to listen to Leonora’s solo part performed by a singer who has a unique soprano, Anna Netrebko.
However, apart from the brilliant performance of Anna Netrebko, the audience was surprised by the surprise - along with the premiere of Troubadour, a new star appeared at the Mariinsky Theater - performer of the Azucheni party, mezzo-soprano Ekaterina Semenchuk. Several compositions of performers have been prepared for the performance, so more surprises are possible.
For Valery Georgiev, who was behind the conductor’s console, the opera Troubadour many years ago became a debut at the Mariinsky Theater. It was with this opera that the career of the young intern Georgiev in the team of the famous theater began.
Ludmila Trautmane ©
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Почему Семенчук вдруг новая звезда? Она поёт в Мариинском давно и её имя достаточно известно. А от стройной изящной Нетребко к сожалению мало что осталось. И что за неожиданности – замена ведущих певцов? Кстати опера называется Трубадур, а про него ни слова.
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