New life of the half-forgotten play by A. Ostrovsky "Savage" - premiere at the Moscow Art Theater
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MOSCOW. In the repertoire of the Moscow Art Theater. Gorky appeared a new performance - the long-awaited premiere of the production of "Savage" took place, created on the basis of a play by Alexander Ostrovsky rarely appearing on the stage. This comedy came from the pen of the playwright in 1879, but a few years later, by the will of the censors, the play was expelled from the theaters.
The motive for banning the production of "Savage" was significant - the types of the upper class, derived in the play, should not be shown to the people. Indeed, most of the characters in the play are difficult to consider positive. Many of them are trying to solve the problems that have appeared in their lives in not very decent ways. And church traditions did not allow the development of the intrigue shown in the play in front of everyone.
Maria Petrovna, one of the main characters of the play, is trying to detain her husband at home, who prefers to spend time abroad, away from his wife. But the spouse chose a rather risky way to achieve the goal - she persuades the daughter of the manager Varia to try to charm the traveler spouse.
Spinning the intrigue, Maria Petrovna expects that, getting bogged down in a love relationship, her husband will postpone the planned trip. Only now the scenario conceived by the intriguer begins to develop differently than intended. Relations between the characters of the play become dramatic, however, there are plenty of comedic situations in the play.
The wonderful cast involved in the play created a vivid and memorable image of each of the characters in the play, forcing the audience to enthusiastically follow the events on the stage. The desire of the Moscow Art Theater. Gorky to give a new life to the undeservedly forgotten play of Alexander Ostrovsky was embodied in a successful performance, warmly received by the audience.
Ludmila Trautmane ©
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