To the festival "Bravo!" performance "Bride" invited without discussion
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KAMENSK-URAL. Immediately after the premiere of the play “Dowry” staged at the Drama Number Three Theater by young Moscow masters, representatives of the Sverdlovsk Union of Theater Workers announced that the theater would participate in the Bravo Theater Festival. This is a very rare case when, after watching the production, such a unanimous decision appears. Usually such an invitation appears after long discussions.
It is always a difficult task for a theater to stage a play known to the audience, but it is even more complicated if it has been successfully made into a movie, because the public already has accurate ideas about each character. Moscow director Artemy Nikolaev, working together with stage designer Anna Fedorova (also invited by the theater from the capital) and the theater team, managed to overcome stereotypes by creating her own vision of the play.
Having placed the heroes of the play in the world created by the artist Anna Fedorova that exists outside of time, where costumes and objects from different eras combine, the director saw in many of them characters that are different from the usual stereotypes. Karandyshev (his role is played by Ivan Shmakov), appears before the viewer not as a familiar “little man”, but as a moral sadist, a future home tyrant.
Paratov is weak, he longs for peace, but at least for a day he wants to become the same - bright and free from all obligations. Only one thing connects these two heroes - not one of them is able to cope with the strong, living by the rules created by the very rules, Larisa. Her character was brilliantly created on stage by actress Inga Mathis.
Now the troupe is faced with the task - in the absence of the stage director who has returned to the capital, to preserve the atmosphere created by him of the extraordinary “Dowry”.
Ludmila Trautmane
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