The memory of millions of tormented beating in our hearts
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MOSCOW. Requiem in memory of the victims of the Holocaust at the Helikon Opera. In January next year, humanity will recall one of the black dates in its history. Organized in Berlin, the Wannsee Conference reviewed the plan for a “Final Solution of the Jewish Question”.
Important people in well-tuned uniforms decided in 1942 how to efficiently and irrevocably drain millions of innocent people. Irrational hatred has been documented and implemented with cannibalistic perseverance.
Holocaust remembrance is celebrated annually around the world on January 27th. This is necessary both innocently tortured and alive, so as not to be forgotten and repeated. The choice of date is not accidental. On this day, Soviet troops liberated the Auschwitz concentration camp. The Helikon-Opera hosted a requiem concert organized with the active participation of the Jewish Congress. Classical music sounded at it allowed to create an atmosphere of bright sadness, to achieve catharsis, which is inevitable at such memorial events. The concert program included the outstanding works of Shostakovich, Verdi, Mozart, supported by documentary shots of a piercing video sequence. The famous Va, pensiero from Nabucco Verdi was performed by a choir of Jews before execution.
The strength and power of this work is evidenced by the fact that it, along with Il Canto degli Italiani, is recognized as an unofficial anthem of Italy. It was him who, in a unanimous impulse, was performed by thousands of people at the composer’s funeral. The audience listened with trepidation to the numbers from Shostakovich’s cycle “From Jewish Folk Poetry”. It was created in the most difficult time for the composer, when the well-known Resolution was a signal for the long-term persecution of Dmitry Dmitrievich.
The creation of this cycle was an act of courage on the part of Shostakovich, who ignored the xenophobic campaign launched by the authorities and aimed at discrimination against people on the fifth point. The prayers for the souls of the departed, sounded in the Hostias and Sanctus of the Mozart’s Requiem, were mentally lifted up to God and those present in the hall in the hope of continuing their earthly journey, interrupted not of their own free will.
Elena Tanakova ©
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