The specificity of modern poetry
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From childhood, we easily memorized poems that figuratively and vividly described events or phenomena. This was due to the rhyme, which introduces regularity and clarity of expression into the poems. Modern poetry is a specific way of speech organization, thanks to which a certain regularity is introduced into ordinary language in poetic form. This literary genre develops a person’s speech abilities through elegantly expressed thoughts and feelings. Poetry is a part of the art that expresses emotions.

Features of the poetic genre
Compared to other literary genres, poetry has the following features:
- improves verbal communication skills;
- expands the vocabulary, introducing the reader to new terms;
- forms critical thinking;
- allows you to add new words to the phonetics of the language;
- trains memory by memorizing poetic rhymes;
- forms the sound image of the word, creating linguistic music;
- serves as a medicine for stress, relieving negative emotions;
- contributes to the formation of personality;
- serves to better remember information presented in rhymed form.
During the pronunciation of poems aloud, diction is trained (due to the rhythm, tempo and rhyme of the lines). Poetry makes a person think, broadens his horizons, forming a broad perception of the world around him. Memorizing poems by heart trains memory, develops a person’s cognitive abilities, his intellect, and even serves as a reliable protection against senile dementia.
When reading, the sound of verses, the combination of sounds, their alternation is very important. Ordinary selection of rhyme allows you to evaluate words and their pronunciation, the meaning of what is read differently. Poetry has played a very important role in the creation of songs due to the fact that many poems easily fit into music, becoming a beautiful work of art.
Being alone with yourself, sometimes a person experiences despair, fear or sadness. Such emotions often lead to nervous breakdowns if they do not find a way out. In these cases, reading or writing poetry has a therapeutic effect, allowing a person to listen and understand himself, to release negative emotions. This is essential for maintaining peace of mind.
Types of modern poetry
In addition to rhyming, there are so-called "white" verses, the lines of which do not rhyme. The most common types of modern poetry are:
- political;
- dramatic;
- lyrical;
- humorous;
- narrative;
- epic.
Lyric poetry serves to express strong, sincere feelings. Usually such poems are not long, unlike epic works in the form of poems. Political poetry is caused by the crisis state of public life. Dramatic poems differ from narrative poems in that they are presented as a monologue of a character telling a story or depicting a situation. Narrative poetry tells events on behalf of the narrator; they do not need rhyme.

Modern poets, when writing poetry, experimenting, combine genres, create new images that allow them to convey their emotions and feelings. In the works, they reveal important topics of our time, forcing the reader to think and discuss them. Often poems are a guide to life, they have a deep meaning, so you want to reread them all the time, revealing them in a different way. All of them are distinguished by freedom of structure and plots.
The online store has prepared a catalog of works by Russian and foreign poets of world renown for lovers of modern poetry. Regular updating of the assortment of books allows readers to buy new literature and follow the development of the poetic genre. The store catalog contains works by such famous poets as Eduard Asadov, Dmitry Bykov, Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Larisa Rubalskaya, Eldar Ryazanov, Bulat Okudzhava, Amanda Lovelace, Sukhbat Aflatuni and others. yourself, but also for your loved ones.
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