The great novel of Leo Tolstoy in the British list of literary masterpieces. And this is not "War and Peace"
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LONDON. “Anna Karenina” took third place in the list of the best novels of all time.
The well-known statement by Eugène-Melchior de Vogue (Eugène-Melchior vicomte de Vogüé) about Gogol’s successors coming out of his “Overcoat” needs to be supplemented. Many wonderful books owe birth to genius, insight, and fantasies of Pushkin. Suffice it to recall Gogol’s “Dead Souls” and “Examiner”.
Leo Tolstoy was no exception. Acquaintance with the incomplete text of Pushkin "Guests gathered at the cottage" inspired him to create "Anna Karenina." So capacious and expressive seemed to Tolstoy style of presentation of Alexander Sergeyevich. The appearance of the main character is another gift of the great poet. The unusual beauty, intelligence and charm of Pushkin’s eldest daughter Maria, in the marriage of Hartung, left no doubt - that’s what his Anna should look like. This name did not appear immediately. Recklessly falling in love and rushing under the train was supposed to be Anastasia.
On June 24, the daily The Telegraph published a list of the best works of world literature. Rating "Karenina" was space. The novel about the private life of representatives of high society was in the top three. Following Middlemarch George Eliot with pictures of life in the English province and underestimated by Moby-Dick contemporaries Herman Melville about the adventures of sailors from a rammed whaling ship.
In the world ranking table, Tolstoy’s book got ahead of Doctors Zhivago, Don Quixote, Eugene Onegin, Crime and Punishment, In Search of Lost Time.
Elena Tanakova ©
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