New books by Dmitry Bykov for those who reject "shy comfort"
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MOSCOW. Dmitry Bykov released a new poetry collection and biography of Gorky.
Dmitry Bykov’s creative career is an illustration of the proverb “Half your life you work for a reputation, the second half it works for you.” His articles and books are a priori “doomed” to the attention of the public. His opinion is listened to, for many his statements, alternative to the permitted opinion, are like a breath of fresh air. Bykov does not pretend to be the messiah, only reminds of absolute values that cannot be canceled at any time. In his poems, books, essays, speeches. In lectures for students and schoolchildren who were fortunate enough to have such a literature teacher. In a frank dialogue with the audience at creative evenings. In the author’s columns, which are not missed by those who need to remain a decent person in any situation. Bykov talks about how difficult and extremely important it is to resist the temptation to get rid of the soul and choose for yourself “shy comfort”. It makes life easier, but does not eliminate the subsequent torment of conscience.
In different publishing houses, several new books of Bykov were published at the end of 2016. In Moscow "AST" and St. Petersburg "Helikon Plus" - "If not." In the series "ZhZZL" from the "Young Guard" - "Gorky." In the first, lyrical ballads and political feuilleton harmoniously coexist in the spite of the day. For those who want to get acquainted with the new works of a talented and extraordinary poet, “If Not” is an adequate and timely choice.
Gorky is a new biography written by Bykov for The Young Guard as part of the ZhZL series. The previous ones have firmly taken their place in the bestseller lists: Boris Pasternak, Bulat Okudzhava, Mayakovsky, and The Thirteenth Apostle. This is not the first appeal to the life story of the chief proletarian writer. The book became a logical continuation of the collection published in 2008 with reflections on the topic “Was Gorky?”. This is an opportunity to learn much more about the tragic and controversial personality without the husks of myths, retouching, and panegyrics.
Elena Tanakova ©
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COMMENTS: 1 Ответы
> Книга стала логическим продолжением вышедшего в 2008 году сборника с размышлениями на тему “Был ли Горький?”
Это не продолжение, а лишь переиздание того издания. Не стоит из одной книги делать две.
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