The sincere voice of a talented person. Andrei Smirnov’s book on life, cinema and censorship
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MOSCOW. The film director Andrei Smirnov presented the debut collection “Burdocks and Quinoa” in the Moscow bookstore.
Toward the close of June, the director Andrei Smirnov had another premiere. Presentation of the debut collection in the famous bookstore. Corpus publishes a collection of “Burdocks and Quinoa,” which includes Andrei Sergeyevich’s film narratives, thoughts about life, as well as essay memoirs about decades of work in the movie, about the bitter losses and bullying of censorship. About the scars of the “Belorussky Train Station”, antediluvian technology and low-quality film, on which I had to shoot a masterpiece. About the father, who wrote about the heroes of the Brest Fortress and spent many years searching for them. Those who were awarded orders and honors for their feat, and those who were called traitors because of the German captivity passed and sent to the barbed wire already at home. Here are the director’s memories of the distorted censorship of Autumn, which the great Bergman compared to a magnificent concert of chamber music. On the rejected Goskino acutely social "Faith and Truth." About those who helped him during the years of despair and lack of money.
The book includes the play “My Relatives,” staged at the Satire Theater. It also contains the Dark Water scenario, which was planned to be launched in May this year. The story of an incredible trip of three French to the capital for an internship at Moscow State University. He added to the sad list of non-embodied ideas. One of the “gifts” to the 75th anniversary of the master was the bankruptcy of the bank in which the director’s personal savings and the money allocated for the filming by the sponsors lay. Will it be possible to find financing for a new picture in the conditions of a permanent crisis? The answer to this rhetorical question remains open. Smirnov does not know whether there will be time and energy to process and publish diaries accumulated over many years.
Elena Tanakova ©
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