Dedicated to the great reformer, poet and historian. Competition for the anniversary of Nikolai Karamzin
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Ulyanovsk. A poetry contest dedicated to the quarter-century anniversary of Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin has been announced.
The competition of young poets started in the homeland of the Russian historian and reformer on the eve of the 190th anniversary of his passing away. The results are planned to be summed up at the end of the year, during the celebrations on the occasion of its 250th anniversary. The objectives of the contest “You, our good, pure genius…” go beyond the usual search for gifted young writers. One of the main tasks is to remind fellow citizens of a great compatriot whose moral authority was undeniable for his contemporaries and grateful descendants.
Pushkin did not exaggerate, comparing Karamzin, who, with his fundamental work, discovered to his astonished contemporaries Russia that was largely unknown to them, with Columbus. Gogol considered the author of “History of the Russian State” an extraordinary phenomenon that fully realized his talents. Nathan Adelman talked about the impact of this moral moral personality on so many people. Karamzin played a huge role in reforming and modernizing the Russian language, ridding it of the ballast of obsolete words and minimizing church vocabulary. Therefore, the texts written by him were greeted with a bang by the reading public, who instantly bought up the impressive editions of his multi-volume “History”.
Poets Karamzin inherited the ability to create memorable and deep images without magnificent metaphors and sophisticated rhymes. Thanks to him, they were able to overcome the obstacles to censorship of the compositions of Sallust and Cicero, the book “Walking Over Three Seas” by Athanasius Nikitin reached the general reader, and the first guide to Moscow appeared.
Young authors are given the opportunity to win in any of the three categories. Poems about the homeland, Karamzin, as well as works, the creation of which inspired his work.
Elena Tanakova ©
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