A book by the famous English writer Julian Barnes about Shostakovich was published. Will it be translated into Russian?
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LONDON. The new book of Booker Prize winner Julian Barnes is dedicated to Dmitry Shostakovich.
The release of a new book about Shostakovich is an extraordinary event. The authorship of Julian Barnes (Julian Patrick Barnes) - an additional argument in favor of its reading. The interest of the popular English writer, who celebrated the 70th anniversary in January, is not accidental in our country. The literary addictions of a desperate francophile also lie in the plane of Russian literature of the 19th century, to which he has a weakness from his youth. One of his favorite novels is “The Hero of Our Time”.
One of the spontaneous youthful adventures is a trip to Russia in the company of classmates from Oxford. Thousands of miles on dusty roads, fruit requisitioned at customs, unpretentious overnight in tents, the need to report to local officials about all the details of their movement. Unimportant motivation for improving the Russian language, which was of interest during studying at the university. In Russia, he is loved, translated, published, meeting with equal interest a book about Flaubert, the story of the investigator of the murder of Conan Doyle, the ability to adequately survive the passing away of a loved one.
The Sense of an Ending, the Booker Prize, the philosophical dystopia A History of the World in 10½ Chapters, the satirical post-modern novel England, England, were no exception., England).
Interest in Barnes’ new work, The Noise of Time, dedicated to Shostakovich, is guaranteed by the significance of the protagonist for Russian culture. The languid expectation of arrest, constant pressure, life-long humiliating cat and mouse: honors, prohibitions, flattering offers and accusations of creating welter instead of music. Shostakovich’s life is a story about genius and the justification of a forced compromise with the authorities, allowing you to stay alive and create.
Elena Tanakova © Gallerix.ru
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