The site of the Year of Literature in Russia began its work
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Yesterday, January 26, the official website dedicated to the Year of Literature in Russia began its work. The project has been developed since the announcement in June 2014 by the president of the decree on the Year of Russian Literature in 2015 in Russia.
Then Vladimir Putin expressed hope that next year will become a bright, unifying society project. State Duma Speaker Sergei Naryshkin was appointed the head of the organizing committee for the Year of Literature, and the head of Rospechat Mikhail Seslavitsky and Deputy Minister of Culture Grigory Ivlev became his deputies on the committee.
According to a message on the official website of Rospechat, the plans are to reach a wide audience, so the site of the Year of Literature should be as interesting as possible: “It is integrated with social networks and will contain the most comprehensive information about the events of the Year of Literature. The site structure includes various sections of news, projects and events, where events of both regional and national scale will be covered. ”
An option is provided on the main page of the site, which allows public figures from different regions of Russia to directly post information on held or planned events dedicated to the Year of Literature. The site will be filled with information in close cooperation with representatives of the regions and journalists of the Rossiyskaya Gazeta, whose correspondent points are located throughout the country.
“In January, materials dedicated to Nikolai Rubtsov and Boris Chichibabin, Yevgeny Nosov and Lydia Charskaya will appear on the site. Of course, the site will not pass by such an impressive date as the just past 220th anniversary of Alexander Griboedov. One of the heroes of February will be Boris Pasternak, who will turn 125 years old. And if you run a little ahead, then, for example, May 24 will mark 110 years of Mikhail Sholokhov and 75 years of Joseph Brodsky, ”the words of the head of Rospechat Mikhail Seslavinsky are quoted in the message.
In addition, the official logo of the Year of Literature has already been developed. It represents the profiles of three great Russian writers - Nikolai Gogol, Alexander Pushkin and Anna Akhmatova, made in the colors of the Russian flag.
Svetlana Korableva ©
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