In the Ivanovo region was a fair "Smart Book"
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IVANOVO. On December 19, the Smart Book Fair opened for the sixth time in the Ivanovo Region. For two days, the literary novelties of the largest Russian publishers were presented to the Ivanovo people.
Andrei Kabanov, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Ivanovo Region, took part in the opening of the Smart Book Fair. In his speech, he noted that the interest of Ivanovo book lovers in such events is increasing every year. “The fair is held every year. This event is distinguished by a special creative atmosphere, it is always welcome, ”he added.
The Director General of the All-Russian State Library of Foreign Literature Yekaterina Genieva, one of the initiators of this project, noted that the Smart Book Fair is being held on the eve of 2015, declared the Year of Literature in Russia. “I am sure that the year of literature in the Ivanovo region will correspond to the atmosphere and spirit of this fair. I wish all of us smart, interesting, memorable books in the coming year, ”she emphasized.
At the fair were presented books of children’s, fiction, journalistic and non-fiction, published by leading Russian publishers. Also, as part of the event, creative meetings with famous poets, writers and representatives of large publishers took place over two days at different venues of the city. The honored guests of the fair were TV presenter and literary critic Alexander Arkhangelsky, Russian-Colombian historian, journalist and publicist Miguel Palacio, as well as poet and employee of the Vremya publishing house Dmitry Gasin.
This year, the organizers also held the traditional for the fair “Bookcrossing. Book exchange ”, at which everyone could absolutely free of charge exchange already read works for any others. The action “Present a book to the village library” took place and the play “M.Yu. Lermontov is a "wanderer driven by the world."
It should be noted that the organizers of this cultural event were the Regional Department of Culture and Cultural Heritage of the Ivanovo Region, the Pushkin Library, non-profit Foundation for the Support of Book Publishing, Education and New Information Technologies, and the M. I. Rudomino All-Russian State Library for Foreign Literature.
Svetlana Korableva ©
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Буккроссинг появился в России в 2004 году одновременно с созданием сайта На данный момент буккроссинг в России стабильно набирает обороты и своих последователей. Статистика российского сайта сообщает, что всего “освобождёнными” числятся более 105 тысяч книг (на международном – 1500 книг), “пойманными” — около 8400 книг (на декабрь 2014 г.). Активное участие принимают такие города, как: Москва, Санкт-Петербург, Нижний Новгород, Тверь, Новосибирск, Уфа, Нижневартовск, Екатеринбург и другие. Беда российского буккроссинга — только 8% отпущенных книг находится следующим членом движения и отмечается на сайте. Остальные книги исчезают из сферы буккроссинга. Буккроссинг в России требует постоянного “тормошения”, что осуществляют немногочисленные активисты в разных регионах страны. С российским буккроссингом (книговоротом) сотрудничают многие магазины, кафе, клубы, библиотеки. Они открывают “безопасные полки”, или "зоны буккроссинга", то есть места, где книги остаются в относительной безопасности и не попадут в руки дворника, полиции или недобросовестных "любителей книги", которые присваивают отпущенные книги.
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