The painting "Madonna and Child" cannot be exported from the UK
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According to BBC News, one of the assistants to the Minister of Culture of England, Ed Vaizey (Edward Wasey), has banned the export of British paintings by the Spanish artist Bartolome Esteban Murillo called "Madonna and Child" from the UK.
At the moment, the cost of this work of art is not a small amount - 3 million pounds. That is why it has “serious artistic value” for the country. The special English Council on museums, archives and libraries pushed for this decision.
The ban on the export of "Madonna and Child" will be temporary, until September 18 this year. If up to this date there is someone who wants to buy this work to his collection and pays the full price for it, then they can still allocate time for fundraising - until January 18, 2012.
As you know, in British museums there are other works by the Spanish artist Bartolome Esteban Murillo, with the same plot, but this canvas is valuable because it was painted much earlier than other paintings, which also depict the Blessed Virgin with a baby.
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