The Hermitage is preparing to launch the exhibition at the General Staff Building
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CEO State Hermitage Museum M. Piotrovsky told RIA Novosti about the completion of restoration work on the premises of the General Staff building, which could be used to design exhibits by the middle of next year, when a reliable alarm system was finally created.
Historic Monument of Architecture The main headquarters was erected by Karl Rossi in the 10-20s of the XIX century. It is located on the Palace Square of St. Petersburg. Two buildings of the building are connected by a magnificent triumphal arch. In the 18th century, there was a residential quarter between Palace Square and the Moika River in this area, which was crowded out at the beginning of the 19th century for the creation of the talented architect Rossi.
Before the October Revolution, it housed the Main Headquarters of the Army of the Russian Empire, the War Ministry, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. After 1917, for some time, the People’s Commissariat of Foreign Affairs was located in the General Staff building.
In connection with the anniversary of the Hermitage, which will be celebrated in 2014, restoration work of the building was planned. The first stage of them was completed in 2010, and finally the restoration will end in 2012. The main concept of the exhibition space, Mikhail Piotrovsky emphasized at a press conference, has not actually changed. In the upper halls there will be an exposition representing the art of the 19th-20th centuries. It is also planned to organize exhibitions of contemporary art here. The first floors will be given to galleries, shops, cafes and utility rooms.
Oleg Yavein, the chief architect of Studio 44, who developed the restoration project, spoke about the changes made during the restoration work. Exhibition halls, for example, are equipped with walls, which are a kind of "transfomer", designed to change the exhibition space. The opportunity will be created to mount a new exhibition at the same time as an already existing exhibition.
The main invention of architects of reconstruction, M. Piotrovsky noted, is an original lighting solution. Wells were made for the new lighting system, letting sunlight reflected in them into the hall. Once on the walls of the hall, it will mix with artificial lighting, creating a symphony of light that allows you to best demonstrate the masterpieces of world art.
The Director of the Hermitage said that installation of equipment for future expositions has begun in the exhibition halls. In the near future, along with Kabakov’s “Red Carriage”, many other exhibits from the Hermitage collection devoted to contemporary art will be presented. The General Headquarters also organizes an exhibition of arts and crafts. An archaeological exhibition of artifacts from Herculaneum (Rome, Italy) is also planned.
At a press conference, the director general of Intarsia Victor Smirnov also made a message. This company is the main contractor for the reconstruction of the Hermitage. He said that the second phase of restoration work takes place in the eastern wing of the General Staff Building, in its northern part. Now the main task is to strengthen the brickwork, floors and replace the roof.
Certain problems, emphasized V. Smirnov, are caused by work on laying engineering communications, which should be in every modern museum. Particular difficulties are encountered in historical halls, decorated with molding, gilding and artificial marble.
Victor Smirnov identified the main task facing the team - closing the circuit and providing the building with heat, the end of the facade work until January. The scaffolds remaining on the Moika side will be completely removed on the eve of City Day.
A very important, filigree work has yet to be done on the restoration of gilding and murals or “calico”, which are thin linen fabrics, removed due to the work in the whole suite of rooms.
According to the contract, said V. Smirnov, 6.2 billion rubles were allocated for the restoration of the Hermitage. At the moment, 2.3 billion has been disbursed, and another 800 million will be disbursed before the end of this year.
Having examined the restored premises of the General Staff building, the Director of the Hermitage called them a vivid example of the successful adaptation of a historical monument to modern conditions.
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