International exhibition "ETHNO"
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In Beloretsk opened an international exhibition called "Ethno". This large-scale creative project is being implemented under the guidance of a famous artist from Mizhhiria, the head of the art department of the School of Arts No. 1 and the head of the PART gallery Vitaly Shapovalov. A project is being implemented on the basis of the Beloretsk art gallery, led by director Nina Ivanovna Gorbatova. The author of the project is a professor at Magnitogorsk State University, Ph.D. Rimma Guilman. The implementation support was provided by the Department of Culture of Beloretsk and Beloretsky District. The curator of the exhibition was V. Shapovalov, a member of the Union of Artists of Russia. Original by nature and a responsible teacher by nature, he knows how to arouse creative impulses in children, the desire to show his talents - to create and think, to develop his aesthetic horizons under the guidance of sensitive teachers. Vitaly Viktorovich gives them the skills to educate in themselves the feelings of the Beautiful. Proven time-tested academic traditions, coupled with innovative educational methods, were brought into the work of the art department of the Children’s Art School under V. Shapovalov. Working with full dedication, he orientates school graduates (including his own example as a participant in numerous prestigious exhibitions) to a professional path. Due to this, in the Children’s Art School No. 1 of Mezhgorye, the “PARTa” gallery headed by him appeared, which became one of the participants in this ETNO project.
The author of the photos Firuza Khazhina (Mizhhirya)Gallery “PARTa”, which received the title of “exemplary” in 2009, actively used the exhibition hall of the School of Art to organize monthly expositions. Exhibitions began to attract the attention of not only students, but also professional artists, providing the necessary “rallying according to interests” of creatively-minded people of all generations, thereby solving the problem of continuity in the Ural-Volga region. Over time, the staff of the PART Gallery set a goal to reach the all-Russian and international level. Arranging large exhibition projects since 2014 (Still Life, Landscape), the gallery has interested artists from various fields, from graphics, textiles and painting to jewelry, becoming a prestigious expocenter along with the Beloretsk art gallery.
During 2015-2016, preparatory work was carried out on the implementation of the extremely interesting ETNO project, which not only traditional participants in the exhibitions sponsored by V.V. Shapovalov wanted to enter as an experienced exhibitor and organizer of such projects - from Bashkortostan, Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk, Yekaterinburg and Nizhnevartovsk, but also a larger range of the cities of the Urals and Siberia. Among the participants were artists from the CIS countries (Kazakhstan) and its associated members (Ukraine), as well as representatives of foreign countries, especially its eastern segment, including Israel and other countries. Artists and teachers of the Beloretsk Children’s Art School (Y. Baybordin, K. Nikitina and others) also became members of the project; the school team presented a performance on themes from Russian folklore, and the Beloretskaya Bashkir gymnasium demonstrated in the person of R. Mukhamedyanova an artistic vision of Bashkir images in dance. The ensemble of guitarists performed on behalf of the Intermountain School of Art.
The aim of the ETHNO project was not only the strengthening of inter-regional cultural ties, but also the interaction of artists from various cities and countries, identifying new names, increasing spectator interest and developing national creative potentials stimulated by such large-scale events.
As the director of Children’s Art School No. 1, Mezhgorye I. Yu. Chulkova noted, the curator of the project had to deduce some participants of ETHNO from the template understanding of the topic as “exotic” and draw their attention to the nature of their own national authenticity, which allows to determine the nature and originality of spirituality of a person, poetry in the approach to understanding their ethnic roots.
The Ural Exhibition Gallery from Ufa staged a fashion show - a display of Bashkir costumes made of felt (by N. Gubin). The College of Arts from Uchalov presented to the public ethnosuits on the themes of the epos “Ural-Batyr” (headed by G. Uzakbaev) and dance compositions (“Wedding Scarf”) directed by G. Gaisarova. The costumes of V. Tyulyuseva (Magnitogorsk) complemented the traditionally motley section of the DPI of the exhibition. Textiles and dolls were brought by students and teachers of the Institute of Fine Arts of the Ural State University of Architecture and Art.
Along with works of felt and weaving, members of the ETHNO project presented enamel on metal and author’s paper casting, papier-mâché, photo collages. Among other aspects of the DPI of the exhibition are leather embossing, ceramics, patchwork, batik, graphics and painting.
The audience was especially attracted by the works of Yekaterinburg, hot batik artists Anna Khavronina (the cubist figures of the Northern Lights panel were distinguished by their eye-catching blue-white-blue gamut) and Evgenia Andryukova (Russian Seasons, the red-yellow-blue color inspired the memory of the artists Twentieth century, working with S. Diaghilev. Eugene Soloid from Kiev demonstrated the theme of Kupala in the poster of the same name with Slavic script. Amazingly colorful panels ("Waiting" by Ekaterina Parashentseva from Yekaterinburg) The audience admired the images and colors of the tent and panels made by students and teachers of the Uchalinsky College of Arts. Among the major professional masters of our region, we note the highly professional watercolor and textile works by Olga and Elena Litvinenko (Ufa). As always, we performed fantastically and technically perfectly the curator of the exhibition, V. V. Shapovalov, demonstrated the corporate identity with his “Argamak” (acrylic, paper). The international project “ETHNO” started at a moment stellar for all artists - “Museum Night”. We wish him good luck!
The exhibition runs from May 21 to July 15, 2016.
employee of the Art Museum. M.V. Nesterova Veronica Botticelli (Ufa)
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