Permanent exhibitions of the Hermitage replenished with pastels of French artists of the 19-20 century
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ST. PETERSBURG. In the last December days, the Hermitage presented a new permanent exhibition dedicated to French artists of the 19-20th century who created their works using pastel technique. The names of the masters, whose 15 works performed in pastels, are now available for viewing by visitors The Hermitage are so famous that it is not necessary to introduce them
It is enough to name the names of celebrities - the authors of the works united in a new exposition are Toulouse-Lautrec, Manet, Picasso, Degas and other outstanding representatives of the art world of France. Since pastels require special conditions for exhibiting, such a permanent exhibition was created at the Hermitage for the first time.
Among art techniques, pastel occupies a special place, located between painting and drawing. In its development, the pastel was at the peak of the attention of artists several times. The middle of the 19th century became a time for French artists, when the pastel once again became extremely popular, contributing to an active artistic search.
Masters working during the course of impressionism could not remain indifferent to the possibilities of pastel colors. Both Renoir and Manet worked in the pastel technique, for which the use of this painting technique has become a tradition. An impressive number of works created in the pastel by Edward Degas. He wrote especially many pastels in his later years, when he practically stopped painting.
In his work, Degas experimented a lot, performing work with pastels, where he used coal, gouache and tempera. At the same time, the artist invented new ways of fixing paint on the surface of his works.
Hermitage employee M.O. Dedinkin prepared a new exposition.
Ludmila Trautmane ©
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