Preparation for the exhibition of works by Alexei Zhibinov at the Irkutsk Art Museum is nearing completion
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The personal exhibition of Alexei Zhibinov (1905−1955), which will open on November 26, 2015, will be the largest-scale demonstration of the work of this author in the history of the Irkutsk Art Museum. Of the funds the public will be presented 92 works of different periods of the author. Preparations for this exhibition began more than a month ago. Many paintings needed to strengthen the paint layer and remove surface contaminants. This work was done by a team of museum restorers under the leadership of Svetlana Tyutikova. Some of the paintings were not received in the museum in the best condition, since the artist’s work was unclaimed for a long time, and his works were kept by the heirs under unsuitable conditions.
Alexey Zhibinov. Music. Oil on Canvas, 84x108
Recall that the work of Alexei Zhibinov is distinguished by the originality of his creative manner, the non-standard form inherent to Filonov’s school. In the postwar period, the artist became the object of criticism, he was accused of formalism, and as a result - Zhibinov could not exhibit his paintings. In 1955, the artist, unable to withstand the pressure, committed suicide by writing in a farewell note: “I can’t live without work, but they don’t give me work!”
In preparation for the exhibition, some of the author’s paintings were revealed to museum staff in a new way. In particular, one of the works in all catalogs was listed as “Silent violin”. But on the reverse side of the canvas during restoration, an inscription made by Zhibinov himself was found: “Unplayed violin. Last job. " Thus, the author put an end to his creative and life path. Why did the work have a different name? The question remains unanswered. Perhaps this was done specifically to avoid difficulties with exhibiting the work - in the framework of the first posthumous exhibitions of Zhibinov after a long period of disgrace. Museum Director General Alexander Gimelshtein decided not only to return the author’s name to the work, but also to call the exhibition itself “Unplayed violin”.
In addition, on the reverse side of another work - “Autumn Still Life” - the exact address where it was written in 1947 is indicated: Irkutsk, 25 Marata, apartment 44. Old boards were used as subframes for some works, which clearly indicate lack of wealth in the artist’s family. After exposure, one of the canvases will be transferred to a new stretcher.
At the exhibition, in addition to paintings, artifacts related to Zhibinov’s biography will be presented to the public. So, in addition to the drawings, a sketchbook will also be shown, in which the paints and brushes of the master are preserved, as well as albums with sketches and personal letters, which reflect the artist’s creative creed. The exhibition will be located immediately on two floors of the Siberian Art Gallery of the Irkutsk Regional Art Museum at the address: Irkutsk, st. Karl Marx, 23. The opening will take place on November 26, 2015 at 16. 00.
Alexey Petrovich Zhibinov, was born in the village of Kuragino, Yenisei province. From 1921 - 1928 studied at the second-level school in the city of Nizhneudinsk, Irkutsk region. In 1922 - 1926 - Student of the Faculty of Literature of ISU. 1925 - 1929 - years of study at the State Art Studio - workshop by I. L. Kopylov. 1929-1932 - Work in the workshop of the Higher Art Institute in Leningrad with P. N. Filonov. Upon returning to Irkutsk, he was a teacher of painting and drawing at the isopedopedicum. Front-line soldier, participant of the Second World War. His tragic passing away shortly before his fiftieth birthday was provoked by a long harsh criticism of his work and accusations of formalism.
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