The mystery of authorship of the painting "Paris. The Gate of Saint-Denis" from the collection of the Irkutsk Art Museum is revealed
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Even the most studied paintings have secrets and are waiting for their researcher. The proof of this is the establishment of the author of the painting “Paris. Gates of Saint-Denis ", which is presented in the exposition of the Irkutsk Art Museum. V.P. Sukachev.
In 1925, along with a number of other canvases, it was presented to the museum by the famous Irkutsk collector and exhibition organizer Miney Yakovlevich Leibovich. The background is as follows: in 1903, an exhibition from Paris visited Irkutsk. It was headed by Jules Ratskovsky. As A.D. wrote Fatyanov “from the exposition of the Parisians by the Irkutsk people, several paintings were purchased, some of which were bought by the local collector M.Ya. Leibovic. "
Over the years of storage in the museum, the painting was attributed twice. First, as L. Pallare "Street" (France). Then, art critics considered that the inscription on the lower right in the canvas was not L. Pallares, but I. Pallares, and the name of the painting was clarified. Currently, it is listed in the catalogs as: I. Pallare “Paris. Gate of Saint-Denis ”, France, second half of the 19th century.
The history of this work, which is in the main exposition, was also interested in the Director General of the Irkutsk Art Museum Alexander Gimelshtein. According to him, it was interesting to know what other works I. Pallare has. It turned out that there is no such painter in search databases. “Of course, in 1925 in Irkutsk it was not possible to establish that no French artist Pallare (both L. and I.) did not exist. Subsequently and until now, there was no research attention to the picture. Based on the results of my research, I managed to produce a new attribution of this canvas, ”says Alexander Gimelstein.
At the moment, you can almost with absolute certainty say that in the Irkutsk Art Museum. V.P. Sukachev is a painting with a street scene next to the Paris gates of Saint-Denis authorship of the Spanish artist Joaquin Pallares-y-Alyustante (1853-1935) (Joaquín PALLARÉS-y-ALLUSTANTE). The caption is in the lower right of the picture, thus “J. Pallares. " In public networks there are quite a lot of works of Pallares with views of Paris, including sold in 2012 at Sotheby’s. These images leave no doubt that the work, located in Irkutsk since 1903 and in the collection of the Art Museum since 1925, belongs to the brush of this author.
It is worth noting that in the collection of the Irkutsk Regional Art Museum. V.P. Sukachev - over 22 thousand exhibits. Constant research work is being conducted with them, as a result of which it is possible to clarify information, as well as to obtain new information about certain works and authors.
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