Exhibition of children’s art "World through the eyes of children"
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MOSCOW. From April 19 to May 15, 2015, the Moscow Union of Artists hosts an exhibition of children’s art “The World through the Eyes of Children”.
Welcoming remarks were made by a national artist, full member of the Russian Academy of Arts, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, 1st Secretary of the VTOO Union of Artists of Russia N. I. Borovskaya and President of the Russian-Greek Creative Union of Artists, full member of the Russian Academy of Arts P.A. Arzumanidis.
Ekaterina Kondrashina, the head of the Palette children’s studio, was awarded the gold medal of the Union of Artists of Russia for her creative achievements and active social work; she is also a member of the Ministry of Agriculture, Russian Artists Union, the Union of Artists of Russia, and the head of the Museum and Exhibition Complex MAHL RAX. The exhibition participants received commemorative diplomas of the Ministry of Agriculture signed by the national artist, chairman V.A. Glukhova.
Averchenko Sveta - 10 years
Averchenko Sveta, illustration for the fairy tale "Teremok" gouache on paper
- I really like to draw animals, do crafts. I go to the art studio Palette 1.5 years. I already participated in the same exhibition last year, and also took part in the “Assembly of Arts”. With our teacher Ekaterina Nikolaevna, I was at a master class with the president of the Russian Academy of Arts Z.K. Tsereteli and participated in other master classes. I like to go to classes in the art studio, they fly very quickly and bring great joy.
Galkina Anya - 10 years old.
Galkina Anya. "Teremok" paper, pencil
- I go to Ekaterina Nikolaevna for training, I want to go to the art lyceum very much. In this exhibition I participate with three works. These are all illustrations for fairy tales. Two were painted in watercolor, and I made one in pencil. This fairy tale "Teremok". I go to classes with joy. And participation in such a wonderful exhibition gives me confidence in my abilities. Many came to me at the opening and praised my work. It was very nice.
Stayano Jessica - 16 years old.
Styano Jessica. "Still life in the Dutch style" canvas. oil
I have been painting since early childhood. In the art studio Palette I was prepared for admission to the artist. I did easy. Now I am studying in the 9th grade of the MAHL RAX in the picturesque department. Most of all I like to paint still lifes and portraits. Learning is very interesting, but difficult. At this exhibition I have 2 works “Self-portrait in the interior” and “Still life in the Dutch style”, which I wrote inspired by the works of masters of the Netherlands. This is my second time participating in the exhibition “WORLD WITH THE EYES OF CHILDREN”. Everything was different last year.
Then the drawings took much more and all the walls were hung in several rows. It was difficult to understand where the author hangs. Now everything is done better, more space and easier to perceive each other’s work.
Zakharova Zhenya - 8 years old.
Zakharova Zhenya. "Sunflowers" cardboard, plasticine
- I made a copy from Van Gogh’s painting “Sunflowers” using the clay clay painting technique taught by our teacher at the Palette art studio. I have been going to Yekaterina Nikolaevna for the third year already and have participated a lot in various exhibitions and competitions, and have taken part in master classes. And I also go to the Tretyakov Gallery, I like to make copies of the paintings of great masters.
Kalashnikova Lena - 8 years old.
Kalashnikova Lena. "Butterfly" cardboard, plasticine
- And I also really like working with plasticine! I made a wonderful butterfly. And besides that she learned to work in art studios with pastel, gouache, paint wood and tried stained glass paints. Going to classes is very interesting, every time we learn something new. I became the winner of two international exhibitions, and I have been walking less than a year! And in class I made an art report.
Kotov Jan - 16 years old.
Kotov Ian. "Self portrait" oil on cardboard
- I was also prepared by Ekaterina Nikolaevna for admission to the art lyceum, I am very grateful to her for this. Now I often go to her consultation. It is important to have a teacher who wants to come back and consult. She explains everything very easily. I draw in different techniques and various materials, I write prose, poetry. I’m looking for my self.
Crenctic Veronica - 7 years.
Crenctic Veronica. Stylization of the letter "K" paper, gel pens
- I go to the art studio recently, but our life is so full, exhibitions and master classes that it seems to me that I have been going for a very long time! Ekaterina Nikolaevna constantly holds contests. You have to try hard, if you draw poorly, then your work will not be taken to the exhibition. And I like the discovery when there are a lot of people. I wear a beautiful dress and shoes. Mom makes me a beautiful hairstyle and she’s all so elegant! At this exhibition, my work was done with multi-colored helium pens. I came up with a fish to make the letter "K", everything happens at the bottom of the sea. We all really liked this task, we fantasized and came up with various funny stories.
The main theme of the exhibition was fairy tales and literary works, which the children illustrated in a wide variety of fine art techniques. They molded plasticine paintings, painted with gel pens on paper and painted with paints on canvas, gouache and watercolors, they created portraits and still lifes in different styles: they looked for the most accurate image of their world.
Diana Surzhina © Gallerix.ru
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