Solo exhibition of Natalia Koff in the art library of A.P. Bogolyubov
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MOSCOW. From November 15 to 24, 2014 the art library of A. P. Bogolyubov (Moscow, Suschevskaya ul. 14) holds a personal exhibition of amateur artist Natalya Koff “COLOR, LIGHT and FORM”.
The exhibition presents new works by the artist, made in the style of Contemporary Art. Alexandra Kostromina, curator of the exhibition projects of the library, told Diana Surzhina, correspondent, about the features of the exhibition:
“Despite the fact that Natalya is an amateur artist, her paintings have already been made at a fairly professional level. For the library, the exhibition of Natalia Koff is an interesting experiment, a breath of fresh air. We always try to present something new, bright to our viewer. It doesn’t matter what style the work is done in, the development, professional growth of the artist, which we obviously can see in the work of Natalia Koff, is important ”
Speaking about the exhibition of paintings by Natalia Koff, you can rephrase KP Estes: “It is not in the form, not in size, not in the age and education of the artist. The question of primordiality and beauty should be this: does the work of art evoke a response? Is viewer accessible to happiness, joy, curiosity and interest? Does art make you think or wonder, empathize? If so, then nothing more is needed for the author. ”
Natalya Koff collects her work in series. Each series is dedicated to different personal feelings and impressions. The exhibition features several series:
Exercises series - still lifes from this series are executed under the influence of the works of Picasso and Miro. The “Vases” triptych is a monologue with Mondrian, inspired by the artist’s childhood memories of visits to her grandmother’s house (A.I. Alyoshina). It was in her house that Natalya got acquainted with the history of her family, had the opportunity to touch things of three centuries.
Series "Islands" - the triptych "Channel Islands" and the triptych "Philippines" are presented at the exhibition. These works are similar in their aesthetics to those of Pijuana and ancient Japanese engravings. Small format paintings completely capture the attention of the audience. Getting acquainted with them, the audience travels with the artist to interesting corners of the planet and can feel the mood of time and place - a ringing summer afternoon on a harvested field on Sark Island, evening coolness and the scent of lavender on a Jersey farm, to touch the centuries-old culture of the Ifugao tribe on the Philippine island of Luzon.
Series "Hands" - in this series the project "Our Hands" is presented, dedicated to friendship, mutual support. The second part of this series is the project "Spain", a kind of declaration of love for this country. The artist has many friends in Spain who support all her undertakings. And through the hands of the artist, through her open palms, viewers can see the modern architecture of Leon and the Church of St. Nicholas in Alicante. The work of Guernica stands apart - this is a dialogue with Picasso. With this picture, Natalia expressed her attitude to armed conflicts in the world.
Series "Heads" - this series was created under the influence of aesthetics of folk art of the Mayans and Aztecs, African tribes.
Series "Faces" - the exhibition presents portraits of friends and relatives. Peering into these faces, you feel the inner mood of these people. You can feel the strength and confidence of a real business woman, hear Brazilian jazz and opera, feel doubts and the joy of being. All works are done with great feeling, respect, warmth and love.
A series of "Pisces" - the exhibition presents two works that are devoted to art therapy. These works in their color palette carry joyful excitement and spiritual awakening. I want to touch the "golden fish" and make my wish. And the texture of the paintings in response gives a tactile sensation that they heard you, that the desire will be fulfilled. And these paintings bring peace and tranquility. The unusual design of the paintings only enhances these sensations.
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