Exhibition of painting Anna Silivonchik "Draw me a lamb"
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From July 4 to August 1, an exhibition of painting by Anna Silivonchik "Draw me a lamb" is held at the Tushino Exhibition Hall.
Very often, gaining life experience and knowledge with age, we at the same time unwittingly lose something very important and invaluable. We exchange the pure, naive, enthusiastic children’s perception of the world for practicality and rationalism, without noticing it, we turn into boring and boring adult uncles and aunts. For daily routine, deeds and cares, we do not have time, not only for illusory dreams and fantasies, admiring the sunset or the starry sky, but even for taking time for loved ones. We look for answers to vital questions in thick scientific books, not understanding that the most important thing is often impossible to understand with the mind. You can only feel it. Open hearted.
This is what the series of works by Belarusian artist Anna Silivonchik presented at the exhibition entitled “Draw me a lamb” tells about this. The paintings that visitors to this exhibition will see were painted as illustrations for Antoine de Saint-Exupery’s Little Prince. In the works of Anna Silivonchik, children’s spontaneity and naivety are combined with the depth of philosophical thought, which is very consonant with the work of the writer. The artist does not set herself the task of meticulously and meticulously following the text of the work. On the contrary, starting from the written, she composes her own scenes-stories, filling the plot with new details and details, shares with us her own understanding of the book. All illustrations are made in a technique that is not quite usual for this type of art - oil on canvas. The book itself will be published in early 2015 at the Kiev publishing house "Master Class".
About the artist
Anna Silivonchik was born in 1980 in the city of Gomel.
Currently lives and works in Minsk.
In 1999 she graduated from the Republican Lyceum of Arts. AND ABOUT. Akhremchik, Minsk.
In 2007 she graduated from the Belarusian State Academy of Arts (Department of Easel Painting), Minsk.
Since 2008, is a member of the Belarusian Union of Artists.
In 2009 she was awarded the Medal “Talent and Calling” of the Peacemaker International Alliance.
His works are in the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus, the Museum of Modern Fine Art (Minsk, Belarus), the Museum of Contemporary Russian Art (Jersey City, USA), the funds of the Gomel Palace and Park Ensemble (Gomel, Belarus), Elabuga State Museum-Reserve (Elabuga, Russia), as well as in private collections in Belarus, Germany, Holland, Poland, Russia, the USA, Ukraine, etc.
Personal website of Anna Silivonchik
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