The exhibition "In the family circle" from the collection of the Pushkin Museum im. Pushkin at the Belgorod Museum
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BELGOROD. On December 3, the exhibition "With the family" opens in the exhibition hall of the BHC. With the beginning of the exhibition, the exhibition of which consists of works that are part of the collection of the capital’s museum of fine arts, named after A.S. Pushkin, the residents of the city had a rare opportunity to see the works of famous masters.
An exhibition of such a high artistic level is presented for the first time at BHHM. Its exposition consists of 50 works, among which are paintings and sculptural works of artists from different countries who worked in the 16-20th century. The idea of this exhibition was born several years ago, as an exhibition project dedicated to the “Year of the Family”. In “Year of the Family” (in Russia it was 2008), the project was implemented in the Museum of Fine Arts of Moscow.
The works of art included in the exhibition are devoted to the theme of the family, in various aspects - from images of holy families by Italian artists to humorous everyday scenes, works by artists from Holland and Flanders.
Family portraits have always been attributed to a particular genre of fine art. In them, artists have always carefully conveyed not only the appearance of people posing for paintings, but also the atmosphere surrounding them. This approach to writing family portraits makes it possible to get acquainted with the life of people who lived hundreds of years ago.
Family portraits painted by artists in the last century are more diverse. They can become both a topic for reflection and can be an artistic experiment. For a better perception of works of art, the hall of the Belgorod Museum was carefully prepared, the atmosphere created in it now resembles the Pushkin Museum to them. Pushkin.
Visitors are expected in the museum until February 2nd.
Ludmila Trautmane ©
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