St. Petersburg Marble Palace presents the collection of the Traugot family
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The Russian Museum of St. Petersburg provided the Marble Palace for a unique exhibition, which has already received its first visitors. The exhibition acquaints art lovers with the work of the famous Traugot family, all of whose members were residents of the Northern capital.
Fans of book graphics are well aware of book graphics, in which representatives of the younger generation of artists - Alexander and Valery Traugoty successfully worked. Most of the works of senior family members - George Traugot and his wife Vera Yanova, are written in the genre of urban landscape, but among them are portraits of contemporaries and still lifes.
The exhibition is composed of a family collection owned by Alexander Traugot, who has his current place of residence and work in Paris. Visitors will be able to see at the exhibition works of all genres in which the Traugot family worked - painting and graphics, sculpture and porcelain.
For the first time, the work of Vera Yanova, previously not exhibited, will be available to viewers. The opening was attended by the last representative of the famous family community of artists Alexander Traugot.
Alexander and Valery Traugot began their work in the genre of book graphics in 1956, signing their works with a pseudonym, which was one for the whole family - G.A. Traugot. In their creative luggage, illustrations to the tales of many authors beloved by many generations of children by such authors as Andersen, the brothers Grimm and Gauf. The total number of books issued by the creative union is more than 150 titles.
The main theme that brought together the work of artists so diverse in style within the framework of the exhibition is love for their native city. The theme of St. Petersburg permeates the works of all genres written at different times.
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