Magical travel fairy tales for children
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In Russian and foreign literature there are many fairy tales with a wandering plot about the search for a lost lover.
In Russian folklore, these are such works as The Nut Branch, The Sworn Tsarevich, The Finist - The Clear Falcon. In these Russian folk tales, the narrowed is usually represented in the form of an animal, bird or monster. Thus pagan totemism is revealed. The beloved is always saved by the love and loyalty of the girl.
Among the literary tales of travel, a special place is occupied by the "Scarlet Flower" by S. Aksakov. She has a foreign counterpart - Beauty and the Beast, written by the author Leprens de Beaumont.
Similar fairy tales differ in volume. Literary signs of a fairy tale come to the fore. There is a flower as a magical and wonderful item. In European folklore, this is usually a rose, and among Russians, the flower is just scarlet (that is, beautiful). Russians children’s fairy tales traditionally abound in poetry with an abundance of evaluative suffixes.
In the variant of Aksakov, one can note the extensive influence of oriental tales. The author introduces details of oriental exoticism (one of the daughters asks to give her a crystal toilet). You can also note the elements of the eastern architecture of the monster housing, Chinese fabrics in the design. There is a synthesis of European, Russian and traditional oriental tales. Aksakov’s language is simple and conversational.
The tale "Beauty and the Beast" is written in a gallant language, here you can find many compliments. However, the literary traditional and folklore tale with this plot has a common moral and ethical attitude: sympathy for the offended person and his salvation through mercy and love, a person’s assessment of his inner merits.
The folk tale “Finist is the clear falcon” has great moral maximalism. The moment of the test of the heroine Maryushka amplifies. In the tale, you can find old Russian obsolete expressions, tools and objects was (spinning wheel). There is more stable poetics, there are also evaluative epithets (“clear”).
Particularly popular is the children’s travel story - The Frog Princess. The plot of this work is being modernized in the eastern Vietnamese fairy tale “Sky Frog”. God sent a frog daughter to a childless woman. In a Vietnamese fairy tale, the frog does not possess magical capabilities, does not acquire a human appearance. A beautiful young man fell in love with her for her inner spiritual beauty.