Portrait painting
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Portrait is one of the main genres in the visual arts, showing the appearance of one particular person, and sometimes a group of people. The main task of the portrait painter is to achieve not only the maximum external similarity of the portrait with the original, but also the exact transfer of individual character traits and the creation of an image typical of a particular era.
The history of the portrait has several millennia, and it originated as a genre of painting in ancient art. During excavations on the island of Crete, many frescoes with picturesque female images were found. The most famous of them was conditionally called by scientists "Parisian".
Other ancient finds that are directly related to portraiture, date back to Egypt from the first to fourth centuries of our era. These are wooden boards or canvases with portraits painted on them, which at that time were placed in the tomb of the deceased along with his mummy. These images are made in a technique called encaustic, that is, wax-based paints.
In the Middle Ages, almost all pictorial images were tied to religious subjects, and the portrait existed only as a profile image of donors (donors), which were only part of the overall composition.
The real flowering of portraiture began in the Renaissance. Renaissance artists preached humanistic ideals, their main model becomes a man, and landscapes and interior - only the background for each individual person. The greatest masterpiece of that time is known to everyone - this is the "Mona Lisa" by Leonardo da Vinci.
The contribution that Titian made to the development of portraiture, who wrote a whole gallery of portraits of his contemporaries, the Dutchman Jan van Eyck, the German Albrecht Durer, whose self-portraits are an example for many artists, is also invaluable.
Previously, those who wanted to get their portrait needed to spend some time in front of the artist, waiting until he made a rough sketch of the future picture and a better sketch of the model’s face. Today’s technology has allowed painters to paint portrait from a photograph , exploring the play of light and shadow for an arbitrarily long time, capturing the most inconspicuous emotions of the face, combining objects from different pictures, adding a bit of your imagination.
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