Nude - the height of perfection or vulgarity? Automatic translate
It would seem that two words are identical in meaning, but what a big difference in their perception! A naked female body is associated with beauty, and a naked one is associated with ugliness. A naked body is admirable, and a naked one is judgmental. Somewhere at the level of not only upbringing, but also genetic memory, such ambiguous associations arise for the words “naked” and “naked”.
Artists, exposing their sitters, painted pictures from them, which later became masterpieces. How beautiful is the image of Venus with a jug of water, which was depicted by Jean-Auguste Ingres. And how enchanting Venus is, playing with her long golden hair in the picture of Theodore Chasserio! These works are fascinating. It is unlikely that anyone will say that the body of Venus is ugly, but in fact behind each Venus stood a model. But what about her? Maybe she did not have a conscience, since she undressed and spent hours standing naked in front of the artist? Enjoying the paintings, no one thinks of female models, and no one considers the naked body of Venus. The image is perceived. Beauty. Love. Tenderness. Virtue. Artists showed how beautiful a woman is, how gentle and naive her appearance is.
But the rules, customs and traditions of society closed female bodies from human eyes. An uncovered head or an ankle that was suddenly exposed was considered the height of shamelessness. It was not only the body that was closed. Restrained were emotions, behavior, the whole way of life. With this, the girl was born, grew and went on through life. Closedness was inherited. Now, when the time has come for change, women are trying to throw off the forbidden veil and not only look at the world with an open look, but also reveal themselves to this world. For some, this is not easy. It takes work on yourself. Psychologists come up with various trainings for women to liberate them.
By the way, having done many experiments and studies, psychologists have come to the conclusion that the less clothes a person has, the clearer the thinking and the better the sharpness of the mind. This is not a call to undress right away. Everything should be within the bounds of decency. But clothes should not burden a person. She generally ceases to bother some girls, especially in the summer, they show attractive breasts, their flat tummy and beautiful legs. The body is covered with a transparent tunic and a loincloth called a skirt. To some extent, this is due to the call to lead a healthy lifestyle. There is such a naked or naked girl in the streets and makes it clear that everyone needs to close the fridges for the night, do a jog in the morning and go to the gym in the evening. The call, of course, is not bad. The result is on the body. True, some consider this body to be naked, while others are still naked. Some say charm about a girl, while others have no conscience. How many people, so many points of view.
Someone is shy of his body and is trying to close it. The body closes, and the complexes open. What kind of gym is it, if everyone is naked there? Firstly, in the hall they go in comfortable clothes. Secondly, naked women are only in the locker room. It is necessary to take off your sweat-soaked clothes, wash yourself in the shower, and indeed, give the body a rest. But is it possible to hide behind? What really quite naked to go? You pass, do not be shy. All these women athletes do not even notice that they are naked. This your glance glides over the prominent places of the female body. You are ashamed of the fact that they are naked. Well, so fight your hypocrisy. For themselves, the athletes are not even naked at all, but rather naked. It’s just so convenient for them to dry their hair and apply makeup. From a psychological point of view, all these women are free and open. By the way, the second meaning of the word “naked” in the explanatory dictionary of D. N. Ushakov is “directness” and “openness”. See, even a philologist is against you.
In fact, many fear the naked body. You can relate normally to nudists who walk in strictly designated territories, to girls who sunbathe on the beach with an open top, and at the same time feel awkward, say, in the women’s locker room. It all depends on what personal boundaries you have established, in what family traditions your upbringing took place. Basically, a social society is still dressed. And it is right. It’s not good to flaunt your naked or naked body.
On the street, a woman should be dressed. Another thing is what to dress yourself with. After all, clothes can also be different. Fashion designers around the world create their masterpieces to make a woman beautiful. They try to emphasize the charm of a female figure and then say that the clothes are undressing. It is not for nothing that there is an opinion that a woman must have some kind of mystery. At the same time, the outfit can hide what is undesirable for the eyes, and then the woman becomes more elegant. For some women, such clothing is the norm, while others do not attach much attention to their vestments. The main thing is to be convenient and comfortable, and even better, to also non-mark.
No matter how open and free a woman is, it is better to leave transparent clothes for the house so that people who pass by do not suddenly have a question in their head - who are you, actually speaking, open to? Let’s leave naked bodies for intimate space, and naked ones for the artist’s brush and for beloved men. Wear beautiful, elegant and comfortable clothes and go forward, gait from the hip, go to conquer the world.
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