Meeting at the artist Alexander Bobrov before the exhibition "Happy Day" at the Central House of Artists
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- Julia and Alexander, the Year of Culture announced by the President ends. What happened in your work?
- This year was quite eventful for me and Yulia, it’s impossible to list everything from the brightest moments. This is of course the Crimea exhibition, which took place at the Central House of Artists, jointly with Yulia Andreeva. For me, as a Crimean, this was the most urgent topic, all the more, we found the events of the Crimean spring and for us the name of the exhibition “Crimea” sounded like “victory”. It featured works written in these events.
- Soon there will be an exhibition at the Central House of Artists. What do you represent there? What stages of your work will you show art lovers there? What are you waiting for results?
- At the moment, an exhibition is being held in the Central House of Artists under the name “Happy Day”, which presents the work of three participants: Yulia Andreeva, Vyacheslav Korolenkov and mine. The exhibition presents my new works written in sunny Crimea, in the historical site of Marmaris, which is located in Turkey and in the outback of Russia. The landscape of Russia is a very native topic for me related to my childhood, I immediately remember my grandfather’s dacha in Kolodkino near Dzerzhinsky, Nizhny Novgorod Region - there I liked to spend a lot of time, old rickety huts, nearby woods, meadows, rivulets, and some white birches, it’s native that touches to the core.
- your plans?
- The next exhibition is planned for spring, immediately after the Crimean plein air, which will be held from March. Spring Crimea is, of course, magic. Blossoms everything possible - almonds, cherry plum, apple trees, peaches and all this is circling with a heady aroma. My opinion about painting is that I love plein air more, because each work has been in the place where it was written and conveys to the viewer a feeling of freshness and something more real!
Sergey Fateev ©
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