Entertaining drawing lessons
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Every parent wants his/her child to develop harmoniously and to find something to his/her liking in the future. And in order for the baby in the future to understand what he is more interested in, he should try as many classes as possible. Today there are many different creative studios, schools where children are taught painting, dancing, music, modeling and much more. But is it worth giving your child to such classes, if you are not sure that they will appeal to him? Maybe you should first determine the interests of the baby? We offer you entertaining drawing classes that you yourself can conduct with your child. These activities will help you determine whether your child has a talent and passion for painting.
For these activities, you will need a minimum of materials: gouache, brushes, and plenty of paper. Keep in mind that you will have to paint not only with brushes, but also with your hands. Drawing with paints and drawing with pencils are slightly different. First give your child lessons in pencil drawing, and then proceed to the following lessons.
Lesson 1 “Finger Painting”
The essence of this method of painting is that paint is applied to the palm of your hand with a brush, and then colorful handprints are applied to paper. You can leave prints of the whole palm, its edges, individual fingers, drawing, thus drawing flowers, funny animals, people and much more. For example, drawing in this way, you can create a cheerful octopus or fat caterpillars. Finger painting is good for developing both imagination and motor skills of the hands, and besides, it is usually very much liked by children.
Lesson 2 “Brushstrokes”
Begin by explaining to your child that a brush can be used for more than just coloring pictures or carefully applying paint to paper. You can use a paintbrush to create amazing pictures. For example, you can paint by splashing colorful drops from the brush onto the paper. Or you can muss the brush a little and poke it all over the sheet. Flowers and fluffy animals are usually drawn in this way.
Lesson 3 “Doodling”
Take a piece of paper and ask your child to scribble on it with a simple pencil. When these “doodles” are ready, try together with your child to find some figure in these endless lines. It can be an animal, a person or something else. Then trace this figure with a felt-tip pen or some dark pencil, transfer it to a blank sheet of paper and color it. This way of drawing develops creative thinking and imagination very well.
These three simple lessons will not take much time and effort, but they will bring a lot of joy to both you and your child. It’s always fun to do something together!
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