Artist Julia Blinova. Review
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One would probably have to start from Pechechka. But then I will return to this. I’ll start with the piercing work “Local Resident”.
We all remember these times of the nineties. Distrust of the authorities and hope for new times can be seen in the look of this local resident. Simple clothes, a backpack and a fishing rod, a cockerel hat. So the people and the “Local Resident” who lives in the village make history.
In the works of Yulia Blinova, layers of cultural space are built up like paints on a canvas. This can be seen in the portrait series Portrait in the Library and Three Maidens. “Kostya”, “Granny at work”, “Spring”, “Ksenia”, “In front of the mirror”, “At tea”. There is no substitution of meanings, the content of the work is clear, the images are honed. This is transferred to a series of self-portraits, although I suspect that Julia used herself in the images of three girls.
The total space of the Motherland is reflected in urban landscapes. “Barnaul”, “Good evening”, “Christmas”, “Stop”, “All at once No. 1” “All and at once No. 2”. In them, the author presents an individual point of view, personal experiences associated with the city. The pathos associated with urban life is not visible in such works.
In the modern world, where there are various cultural intentions, where the languages of styles are intertwined, which is spoken by contemporary art, the theme of the series, where rural life is shown, reflects the depth of the artist’s worldview. The simplicity of the plot is addictive. “Apples”, “Beads from Onyx”, “In a warm room”, “Spring ray”, “Pechechka”, “Samovar”. Pictures give various projections, excite genetic memory. This is one Russia, one people, one story. At the same time, this is a common story, consisting of personal stories, personal experiences of the author.
Speaking of young artists, as a rule, the question always arises - from whom did the artist study? Who was a mentor at the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture Ilya Glazunov in Moscow (portrait workshop). In the portrait workshop, two - D. A. Slepushkin and A. N. Ustinovich. From the first year, M. Yu. Shankov was a significant figure in painting, also in the painting of L. S. Khasyanov, then V. A. Shtein in drawing, then in composition S. G. Moskvitin and Yu. A. Sergeev.
These wonderful teachers not only conveyed the skill of the technician, but also the love of the motherland.
This is evidenced by the artist creating a gallery of images of landscapes, almost symbolic. “Forgotten house in the village of Nikol”, “In Chamal”, “Snow in October”, “In the sun”, “Evening dresses”, “Autumn”. From such fragments of the small Motherland the traditions of Russian art arise and are transmitted, the space - the Motherland arises.
Russia in the landscapes of Blinova is a real space. The space of Prishvin and Shukshin, Yesenin and Galich, Prilepin and Makarevich. This space is full of monstrous contradictions. Peering into landscapes you understand - life is an endless memorization of experience.
The artist Yulia Blinova thinks over and develops different thematic cycles, and from the point of view of the grammar of artistic languages, art appears when she speaks a language that is explained in love.
Julia undoubtedly found a way to the hearts of the audience.
The works of Yulia Blinova can be viewed on the artist’s personal page
Sergey Fateev ©
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Юлии Блиновой огромное спасибо за живопись, наполненную трепетом и любовью к России, простым русским людям, их жизни и переживаниям. Сергею Фатееву за великолепный и точный анализ творческого процесса Юлии Блиновой. Статья написана прекрасным языком и с глубоким пониманием художественного процесса!
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