Igor Dryomin:
Exhibition Project "Collection of Stories"
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ARTSTORY Gallery celebrates its first anniversary - exactly one year from its inception - with a new exhibition project "Collection of Stories" from October 15 to November 22, 2015.
The exhibition will allow viewers to see more than 100 paintings, drawings and sculptures from the gallery’s collection, through the prism of the history of the creation of works, unique facts from the life of artists, and finally, events in the country and in the world that have influenced the personal and creative lives of the authors.
The exhibition will feature works by such masters as: Sergey Bazilev, Olga Bulgakova, Vladimir Veisberg, Maximilian Voloshin, Andrey Grositsky, Anatoly Zverev, Vyacheslav Kalinin, Natta Konysheva, Alexander Labas, Vladimir Lyubarov, Tatyana Mavrina, Natalya Nesterova, Sergey Parajanov, Dmitry Plavinsky, Leonid Purygin, Vladimir Pyatnitsky, Oscar Rabin, Alexander Roitburd, Evgeny Rukhin, Vadim Sidur, Vasily Sitnikov, Anatoly Slepyshev, Ilya Tabenkin, Leo Tabenkin, Moses Feigin, Arthur Fonvizin, Oleg Tselkov, Mikhail Shvartsman, Vasily Shultsman Zhenko, Vladimir Yakovlev and others.
The project “Collection of Stories” shows the works of authors working in various directions, techniques and genres, artists of different eras and vivid, dissimilar fates. Most of the works can be attributed to such a multifaceted phenomenon in art as the Russian avant-garde. The curators of the project interpret the avant-garde quite widely - first of all, as an advanced group of innovative artists who experiment with artistic material and expressive means. As a result of their searches, a new art actually appeared. Each generation of masters contributed to the common cause - both in terms of style, language and content. At the exhibition, a whole panorama of the trends and trends of the Russian avant-garde will unfold. From artists of the beginning of the twentieth century, through representatives of the “second Russian avant-garde” of the “thaw” period of the middle of the last century, up to masters who continue innovative traditions in our days.
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