Leni Smoragdova:
Transaction of Love
Automatic translate
“There are three kinds of love:
1. Love between a man and a woman
2. Between children and parents
3. And the love of Transaction
We will talk about the third kind of love ”
Adapted from a joke.
He, he is our sufferer, he is a holy man
It, it is Transaction
Venue planet Earth, more precisely the winter of 2015
Act one
In which we learn: on a fig goat button accordion.
It was Thursday. He woke up and decided: "today is Thursday and the earth has broken in half."
This happy morning was dawn. The sun did not even know about the rich inner world of children’s depressive complexes of the hero He.
Total: the sun is now all right, in other matters, as always.
He - also in business today - suffers.
She is reading Cortazar at this moment and is quite happy.
Score 1: 2
And here the goat you ask?! - believe my word - the goat is doing well!
Act Two
The lark comes onto the scene. She knocks over a vase. He runs to Peter, where he meets with the Overcoat. Exactly at 3:45 in the afternoon, Transaction covers him.
He: “God, no!” Nervously makes kiddush.
She: “Oh God, yes!” - Plunges into the bath. Foam covers her white body.
At this moment, our sufferer looks at Nevsky and sees a horse dropping apples. Further, the Hero He wanders towards the Hermitage, and discovers the paintings of Picasso. At exactly 4:20 a.m., the sufferer begins to sob.
“What the hell?!” the reader will think. And in fact - “what the garbage?!” - the author agrees.
Act Three
We get to…
“Smear smear discord - said the gynecologist to the artist”
She sees a dream: first she crosses the Chinese border, then abruptly turns and runs to Tel Aviv. In the new city, she wanders along unfamiliar streets and decides to sit on a bench at the crossroads. She has yogurt and honey in her bag. She will eat them. At the very moment when the first spoon is already put in the mouth, but still not swallowed, a bright light appears in front of it. She laughs. Bright light looks down at her. “Idiom!” She thinks. The light is leaving. She puts a second spoonful of food in her mouth. And he thinks: “What am I doing here!” - The bright light returns, she laughs again. Next comes a typical everyday scene: about He and She.
Exactly at 12.01 Transaction takes place between them
Next, the fourth, fifth, sixth act
Household scenes from life. What to discuss?
Seventh Act
The house is full of mannequins and closed heads. They are stored in a psychedelic room.
It stands in the center of the room. He is in the pose: “Choose either me or it!”
She: “Holy are you my man, why are you tormented!? Better eat the track! ”
He makes doubt on his face and begins to suffer…
Pigeons that came from nowhere sit on his shoulders. He is suffering. She gently paints It.
“There is always someone between us!” He wonders.
“Darling, we spent Elijka yesterday!”, She remarks “And the ladies of your heart refuse to live with us!”, “We can’t depersonalize anymore, I want originality!”
It nods and chews something.
“Transaction, would you take the mannequin to the room!” And grab your head! ”” - She turns to It. Transaction silently fulfills her request.
The curtain is falling
The presenter enters the scene. And explains the essence of what is happening.
Further, his written speech
Conclusion: if you make a choice between He and It. It will always triumph, for it is eternal and infinite, for manuscripts do not burn. But only If It is the art of Transaction.
Who are all these people:
She is an artist who made friends with Ono named Transaction
It is the art of Transaction.
He is apparently a man, or a capricious Muse.
The host bows to the audience.
The light goes out.
Everyone leaves to eat pies.
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