Tatyana Fruleva:
The Art of Medical Painting
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Many people know that works of art (paintings, sculptures, decorative and applied products) carry a certain charge of energy. Let’s talk about painting, since it is precisely the paintings in the interior of the house or office that bear a particularly great energy potential. It is important that this energy potential coincides with the potential of those people who live or work where the paintings are, and daily come in contact with their energy. First of all, it is important for their physical health and emotional and psychological state.
Choosing a picture, we look at the plot, composition, painting style, writing technique, color scheme, etc. At the same time, art lovers know that standing near one painting is pleasant and easy, as if exciting, fresh air is felt, and the other creates a feeling of tension and discomfort. The powerful positive energy of the canvas can give the impression that the whole picture is filled with some kind of inner light. Moreover, in the same picture (if its dimensions are large) there may be sections, fragments with both positive and neutral energies. However, the total energy layering of various elements of the plot of the picture can create a sense of unearthly radiation in the viewer.
The energy biofield of paintings can be explored. For example, with the help of biolocation methods, a study of A. Ivanov’s painting “The Appearance of Christ to the People” was conducted. Experts believe that the paintings of A. Ivanov have high bioenergy and have a strong positive psychotherapeutic effect on human health. The study found that the energy of John the Baptist was several times higher than the energy of all actors, except Jesus Christ, whose biofield has a radius of more than eight meters. The biofield of John the Baptist is about five meters, despite the fact that his figure is three times smaller than the figure of Christ. It is believed that the biofield is not connected with the size of a person, but is connected with his personality, more precisely with what the artist thought about his hero at the time of creation.
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