The specificity of art as a cultural phenomenon
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Art – the cumulative result and process of human activity, which is expressed in the practical-spiritual mastering of the world. Based on the concept of culture, which states that culture is the second nature created by man and created by man, it can be argued that art is one of the main phenomena of culture. At the heart of art is man’s ability to form images. The various forms of art are literature, sculpture, architecture, graphics, painting, music, dance, arts and crafts, theater, cinema and others.
Among art historians there is a point of view according to which each historical epoch of human development is particularly characterized by a certain type of art. For example, in archaic culture the most valuable was applied art; Antiquity is most represented by the sculptural heritage; the Middle Ages – the kingdom of architectural forms; the Renaissance – the flowering of painting; the Enlightenment – burst of literary creativity. Following this logic, we can say that modernity is permeated by the cult of cinema. At the same time, it cannot be argued that other forms of art were not represented or did not develop in the era in question. For example, music, dance, theater art were quite developed at all times, starting from Antiquity. It can be said that for the clearest characterization of a particular historical epoch it is advisable to use the form of art that was at that time at the stage of highest prosperity.
Today art, while remaining the same, takes new forms due to the development of science and technology. Our contemporaries have the opportunity to view masterpieces of painting in Internet galleries, fans of literary works read them without having a book on electronic devices, the same happens with music, which can sound personalized for you, although the musicians are not nearby. A special word needs to be said about movie buffs. The possibilities that modern technology provides to movie lovers are simply limitless. You can watch a movie anywhere, having at hand a connection to the network, you can watch movies online. And here is the result of all this: thanks to the arrival of new communication technologies in the world of culture, the interest in art in the masses of people is again increasing.
One of the most important issues in the theory of art is the definition of its styles. Style (from Greek «stylos» – writing stick) is defined as a way of existence of something, which is characterized by a set of peculiar techniques in art and literature of a certain direction or time, as well as in a separate, specific work. Style unity exists in the culture of a certain era, country, people.
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