St. Petersburg - the cultural capital of Russia
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St. Petersburg is rich in architectural buildings and museums. Every year hundreds of thousands of tourists come to this city from all over the world to enjoy these great architectural structures. Much of the city’s architecture is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Three important components of the city are the canals, palaces and cathedrals.
Among all the attractions of the city, museums occupy a special place. Basically, during the time a tourist stays in the city, it is almost impossible to cover all the sights and museums of St. Petersburg. But the most interesting city museums a guest of the capital is simply obliged to visit.
The most popular and visited museums of St. Petersburg are the Hermitage, the State Russian Museum, the Kunstkamera, the Elizarov Apartment Museum, the Water Museum, the Museum of Communications, the Naval Museum, the Museum of Urban Electric Transport, the Museum of Religion, the Zoological Museum, the Museum of the Mining Institute and the Museum of the Arctic and Antarctic.
The State Hermitage Museum is one of the largest and most famous art museums in the world. It is where tourists most often start their introduction to the city. The exposition of the museum occupies more than 350 halls. The museum itself occupies six buildings, which are located along the Neva embankment. The Hermitage has the greatest collection of works of art and cultural monuments.
The State Russian Museum is the first state museum of Russian fine art. The Russian Museum occupies four buildings located in the historical center of St. Petersburg. The collections of the Russian Museum include not only paintings, but also sculpture, applied art and engravings.
The Kunstkamera is one of the oldest museums in St. Petersburg. It was founded on the orders of Peter the Great to study unique rarities created by human hands or by nature. The collection of the museum has more than one million exhibits. Today the Kunstkamera is one of the most visited museums in St. Petersburg.
The greatest interest for a tour with children is the Zoological Museum. The exposition of the museum has more than 30 thousand exhibits and is located on an area of 6 thousand square meters. Animals from all parts of the globe are represented in the zoological museum. Some exhibits are world-famous, for example, representatives of the mammoth era.
Also of interest to children will be excursions to the Puppet Museum and the Museum of Urban and Railway Transport.
A visit to the Naval Museum will not make guests bored. It is one of the largest maritime museums in the world. The main exposition of the museum occupies 10 halls, where the whole history of the Russian Navy is presented: from its inception under Peter the Great to the present day. The museum keeps models of ships, samples of marine equipment, flags and banners, maps and drawings of ship structure.
The Museum of the Mining Institute was founded at the same time as the Mining School under Catherine II. The museum exhibits are located in 20 halls of the Main Building of the Institute. The exposition of the museum is divided into three elements: mineralogy, geology and the history of the development of mining technology. More than 200 000 samples of minerals, meteorites, models of mining equipment are collected in the museum’s funds. The museum also has a unique collection of cold weapons and miniature jewelry works by Faberge.
The modern water museum attracts special attention. The exposition of the museum tells the history of the emergence of water supply, from ancient times to the present day. The greatest interest of visitors is attracted by a large-scale model of the historic city with all the buildings.
Don’t forget to take a camera and video camera on your trip, there is a lot to shoot in St. Petersburg. And also lithium batteries for photo equipment and flash memory to store your impressions.
Museum guests will also be able to take a tour of underground St. Petersburg.
Also interesting for the tour will be visits to architectural monuments-museums. For connoisseurs of palace interiors and mansions we recommend visiting, for example, Yusupov Palace, Stroganov Palace, Peterhof, Spas na Krovi.
St. Isaac’s Cathedral is a working monument-museum where services are held on holidays. Visitors to the Cathedral can climb the colonnade and view the city from a height of 43 meters.
“The Savior on the Blood” is a unique museum in terms of its interior decoration. It is the only one in the world decorated with mosaic panels, the largest in terms of area of all existing ones.
The Yusupov and Stroganov palaces are famous for their interiors, which have been preserved since the times of Tsarist Russia. There is a wax museum in the premises of the Stroganoff Palace.
We also recommend visiting the Palace and Park Museum “Tsarskoye Selo”. This is where the famous Amber Room was located.
Peterhof is the most beautiful place in the vicinity of St. Petersburg. Amazing fountains, splendid gardens, beautiful alleys and the restored Grand Palace with authentic furnishings are considered by many to be superior to the Palace of Versailles near Paris.
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