Igor Dryomin:
SALADS-Balance of "taste"
Automatic translate
The Space of Balance, in other words, the Space of Balance, is a specific reality and the space of a mental state, which is illusory presented to a person while striving for happiness. The pursuit of happiness means “living with style”. The information field is filled with “taste” so that the aggression of reality appears as happiness.
The space of "taste" is beautiful. It fills our consciousness. From this, it (consciousness) feels stronger, more confident, happier… Nothing can shake the truth of what happened.
And admire - here it is the art of interpretation.
We are interested in how, using the artistic method, artists work with an information field that offers "live with style."
Artists create the space of the Balance of "taste", initiating the creation of another version of art.
Artists represent their interpretation: Ales Nomad and Ruslan Solopeev.
Curator: Komissarenko Yu.I.
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