Igor Dremin:
Mikhail and Olga Bogatyrev at the Gallery of pictorial art
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From March 9 to 21, 2015, the Gallery of Painting on 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya 20 will host an exhibition of paintings by artists Mikhail Grigoryevich Bogatyrev (heritage) and his daughter Olga Mikhailovna Bogatyreva.
The exhibition will feature the best works of different years of Mikhail Grigoryevich Bogatyrev, a man who was born in young Soviet Russia and who, by means of painting, glorified the great feat of Soviet people who created a powerful country from the ashes of the civil war and defended it during the years of World War II. Mikhail Grigoryevich himself was a front-line soldier, was seriously wounded.
The theme of war and labor is continued by his daughter Olga Mikhailovna Bogatyreva.
The exhibition will also feature works by artists dedicated to peaceful life, including landscapes, still lifes, flowers. Among the exhibited works will be exhibited large paintings of the museum level.
Mikhail Grigoryevich Bogatyryov was born in 1924.
From 1947 to 1952 he studied at the Moscow city studio for disabled people of the Second World War at the Moscow City Executive Committee, where teachers of the Soviet era K. Kon, D. Nalbandyan, G. Zeitlin taught. It was there, in the studio, that those powerful clips of the Russian realistic school were laid in the work of MG Bogatyryov, who united in his painting a huge love for people, for the land, for the country, high civic responsibility for his work and a unique pictorial language - realism with elements of neo-impressionism.
Since 1961, M.G. Bogatyryov became a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR.
Mikhail Grigorievich is a deep, serious and hardworking artist, in his works the beauty of life, the heroism of Russian people, on whose lot the ordeals fell, are affirmed. His work is a real anthem to our country and Life itself.
In the portraits of Soviet people exhibited at the exhibition, the artist demonstrates his inherent sharpened psychologism, high typification skills, and a positive outlook on reality. The artist expressed the basic archetypal features of the Russian man: courage, heroism, courage, devotion, modesty, hard work, love.
His still lifes and landscapes are inherent in strict composition, a bold and dense brushstroke, coloristic and tonal diversity of the plastic language.
Olga Mikhailovna Bogatyreva received primary art education at the Moscow secondary art school at the Institute. IN AND. Surikova, where her teachers were V.A. Lisenkov, B.A. Kelberer, E.G. Gavrilkevich and G.I. Neznaikin. She continued her education at the Moscow Art and Industrial College named after S.G. Stroganova, teacher F.A. Lviv. Since 1997, she became a member of the Moscow Union of Artists.
Topics raised by the artist are the most important for a person who loves his homeland, respects and remembers his predecessors, is striving for a bright and joyful future, bringing him closer with his picturesque work and hopes. The painter refers to the spiritual principle of man, to the spiritual traditions of Russian society, including Orthodox. The author is inherent in the subtle development of the visual space, and the richness of the colorful texture, and the plastic unity of form and color, as well as all the traditional values of realism, coupled with the life-affirming position of the author, the successor of the moral and picturesque values of his father. Olga Mikhailovna has a bright personality and recognition of artistic expression and creative imperative.
The high moral strength of the works of the amazing family of artists Bogatyrev satisfies the need of the viewer to find high, good, beautiful..
The works of artists are in museums and art galleries in Russia and abroad. Information and PR Commission of the Public Association “Association of Artists of the Moscow Union of Artists” Tel: (499) 251-5108, +7(910)459-5876
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Каждая картина как страница истории России. Хорошо, что еще есть художники – хранители красоты природы и духа человека. Картина "Сирень" как-будто с эффектом 3D. Это работа Михаила Богатырева или Ольги Богатыревой? Интересно, а есть постеры с этой картины? Я бы тут же купила.
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