Igor Dryomin:
Crimea. Emine-Bair-Khosar Cave
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Emine-Bair-Khosar Cave (second name - Mamontova) is located near the Marble Cave. The length of the cave is 1460 meters. Depth - more than 120 meters. The name in translation means "Well Emine on the side of the mountain."
It was first described in 1927, when a group of researchers discovered a huge hall, later called the Main Hall. Exploration of the cave subsequently continued several times. But the extended halls and galleries of stunning beauty tried not to publicize in order to avoid vandalism, which is often seen in other caves. In 1994, equipment for excursion shows was started in the cave.
The only entrance to the cave used to be a vertical 16-meter well. Now, for convenience, not far from it, an inclined 12-meter tunnel has been cut down, passing through the ancient riverbed, which washed the cave in the limestone rocks of Chatyr-Dag Yayla.
The entrance to the cave starts from the museum, which gradually leads to the majestic Main Hall, whose total height is 42 meters. From here, the left gallery leads to the Dublyansky hall, where there is a two-level calcite lake, and the right gallery leads to the so-called “Throne Hall” to the well-known sculpted figures - “Monomakh’s Cap” and “Stone Flower”.
In 1999, an equipped route was opened along the upper halls of the Mammoth Cave with a unique underground lake (water transparency is more than 6 meters) and the famous "Idol Hall", where there are many gigantic stalagmites resembling statues of ancient gods. From the Idol Hall you can get into the already mentioned Dubljansky Hall through a 28-meter artificial tunnel.
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