Maria Santi:
How to become successful? Benvenuto Cellini Recipe
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If Cellini agreed with his parents, he would become a musician living from paycheck to paycheck. But we know him as a jeweler who owned a castle in France and even gave King Francis I fortifications. The artist scandalized, lied, killed. It also charmed customers and made jewelry better than competitors.
1. Father made Benvenuto play the flute. The son hated it! But in one difficult year this saved him.
2. As a teenager, Cellini left the house for a year when his costume was given to his brother without asking.
3. He kept his sister’s family after the death of her husband. In this way, he saved her daughters from the only road open to poor children in the Renaissance.
4. Without hesitation, he pointed his weapon at the Spaniards, who wanted to pick up the vase without paying. Threatened with physical harm to competitors.
5. Workshop workers slept in bed, often two in bed. Miscellaneous happened. Cellini was often blackmailed, but he slipped away.
What is needed if you decide to become like Benvenuto?
1. To be able to shoot the Spanish colonel in a sword so that it was cut in half. Immediately get indulgence from the pope.
2. To kill the murderer of a brother without any doubt about the correctness of such a decision.
3. Dare Pope Clement VII, who loves you very much. To measure pride with him. And then run from his anger.
4. Drop the beloved young courtesan when her mother requested too expensive.
5. Alone, spread the rumor that he killed Karl Bourbon - the traitor to the king of France for whom you work.
6. Accused of anal - for this, incidentally, could be executed - sex with a model, depicted in "Nymph Fontainebleau ". Get out clean. Then marry the plaintiff with her employee, with whom she had set your horns before. And again romance with her, regularly beating.
7. Having no education in the field of monumental sculpture, having mixed up with casting, having received too little money, make one of the best sculptures in the world - "Perseus ". Combining in her the terrible beauty and attractiveness of death.
8. After 50, marry your maid. Teaching an older daughter to play the harp.
9. Go to the monastery, but quickly become disillusioned.
10. In old age, write a biography mercilessly lying in his direction.
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