Natalia Gudkova:
Ilya Komov
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Tutaev can sleep peacefully (No, not like at the Soviet funeral: “Sleep, dear comrade, we will continue the work you started”). Of course, not the Red Army soldier Tutaev, but the old Romanov-Borisoglebsk named after him on the Volga. Because it is captured on seventy percent of the paintings in the gallery on the Novinsky Gallery by Ilya Komov.
Like France, which is reflected in many other works, but in a slightly smaller format.
All of this is komovskoy color-color. Form is built with color, words are pronounced, times and things are captured, thoughts are heard. And, of course - images. They are undoubtedly at the epicenter of everything. Portraits, which, as news number one, the author places in the main hall of the gallery.
Painting by Ilya Komov is akin to a clock without divisions. There are no numbers, but time is immediately recognizable. Monumental minimalism, or minimalist monumentalism. It is so joyful - reality is revealed by color, explaining its hidden meaning… And the artist extracts it for the viewer…
There are no good, less good, or at all disgusting times. Someone always sees apriori exclusively enemy flags, someone - the fierce faces of robbers who might be good for you (yes, the sentence works here: “I see so!”), And here is the world as possible, conceived by the Creator of all things - color, light, plastic.
As if deliberately timed the opening of the exhibition on December 12 to Constitution Day, Ilya Komov presented not only paintings, but also his credo. His manifesto, replenishing a number of ideologists of the art of legendary times - Boileau, Marinetti, Breton, Du Belle. The vector that determines the direction of movement in art personally by Ilya Komov and his followers. Which, no doubt, are and will be.
We each create our own reality and our own life and add our own favorite shades. This degree of joy on the canvases is inspiring. The quintessence of a polyphonic major chord gives rise to a powerful cantata of joy.
Old Wilde was right, believing that it is in art that you can live on earth forever. Art is always able to present this eternity to the author, who constantly increases his outstanding gift…
- Exhibition of Ilya and Olga Komov at the Business Center of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
- Elena Sadykova: "Draft Constitution" by Ilya Komov. Ahead of the discussion!
- Portraits of Vakhtangov artists at the exhibition of Ilya Komov in the Pushkin Museum
- "Color profile". Exhibition of works by Ilya Komov
- Exhibition of Ilya Komov "The Way"
- "COLOR LIGHT" by OLGA MOTOVILOVA-KOMOVA in the gallery "On Novinsky"
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